Sonia Cyrino: On intervening negation in Brazilian Portuguese verbal periphrases
CLUL Seminars
Sala B112.C da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa

The next Seminário CLUL is scheduled for the 15th of January 2025 at 4 pm, in room B112C. 

Title: On intervening negation in Brazilian Portuguese verbal periphrases 

Abstract: In this talk, I will present an ongoing investigation discussing data from Brazilian Portuguese, in which negation appears in the slot [Aux_V]. First, I will present the data and compare it with seemingly similar intervening negation in Italian and Catalan. I will then discuss a recent proposal for the structure of auxiliaries and non-finite verbs in BP relating it to verb movement and, finally, I will propose an analysis to account for the data addressed in this presentation.