Dialectology and Diachrony

The core object of study of the Dialectology and Diachrony group (D&D) is language variation, across centuries and covering several geographical areas. The group’s descriptive and theoretical studies, which are regularly published in prestigious journals and volumes, are accompanied by the construction of various digital resources from either historical documents or contemporary oral data in non-standard varieties of Portuguese or Portuguese-related languages. A substantial part of these oral data have been gathered in Portugal, both in the archipelagos of Madeira and the Azores, and in the mainland, where some of the varieties under study are spoken in different points of the border with Spain. Additionally, D&D studies Portuguese or Portuguese-related varieties that are, to a variable degree, the product of contact with other languages, which is the case of Caboverdean and Brazilian Portuguese. All these works assume a comparative perspective with other natural languages, from diverse periods and regions.

The standard varieties, however, are not left behind, since part of the group’s activities and outputs concerns (i) the intricate linkage between those and the non-standard varieties, and (ii) the development of new tools for the formal teaching of Portuguese.

This coverage of standard and non-standard varieties ensures a connection between theoretical research and the community at large (including productive collaborations with other Portuguese teaching entities, in Portugal and abroad), also guaranteed by the regular presence of various group members in open online seminars and conferences, and further highlighted by science communication endeavours, such as general audience publications and language oriented cultural events.

Journal Paper
Carrilho, E. (2008). Beyond doubling: overt expletives in European Portuguese dialects, in Syntax and Semantics. Vol. 36: Microvariation In Syntactic Doubling, 36:, 301-323.
Bazenga, A. (2007). Aspects de la syntaxe. De La Sémantique Et De La Morphologie Des Verbes À /Complexité/. Linguistics Editon, 61.
Álvarez, R., Martins, A. M., Monteagudo, H., & Ramos, M. A. (2013). Ao Sabor do Texto. Estudos Dedicados A Ivo Castro. Santiago De Compostela: Universidade De Santiago De Compostela, Servizo De Publicacións E Intercambio Científico. Isbn:, 978-84.
Nunes, N. (2014). Entre ilhas e culturas: palavras e coisas. Património Cultural Das Ilhas Atlânticas. Blogue Memória Das Histórias Das Gentes Que Fazem A História, Newsletter, 22, 7-8. Retrieved from http://memoriadasgentes.blogspot.pt/2014/11/newsletter-22-mobilidades-e.html
Saramago, J. (2012). Linguistic and Ethnographic Atlas of Azores (ALEAç). Author Of The Following Linguistic Maps (Morphophonology), 649, 648. Retrieved from http://www.culturacores.azores.gov.pt/alea/
Bazenga, A., & Sousa, A. (2011). Glossary- Linguistic Terms. P.i.n.o.k. I. O – Pupils For Innovation As A Key To Intercultural And Social Inclusion. Dlv, 16.
Bazenga, A. (2009). Crosscultural Humour: Humour that divides; Humour that unites. An Introduction, 2.
Bazenga, A., & Antunes, L. M. (2009). Tem mas não há: sorrir em Timor. Jolie 2.
Bazenga, A. (2004). Aspects de l’interface syntaxe/sémantique: le cas des verbes à /complexité/. Studia Romanica Posnaniensia Xxxi: 155-165. Isnn:, 0137-2475.
Brissos, F. (2014). New insights into Portuguese central-southern dialects: understanding their present and past forms through acoustic data from stressed vowels. Journal Of Portuguese Linguistics 13.
Brissos, F., & Saramago, J. (2014). O problema da diversidade dialectal do Centro-Sul português: informação perceptiva versus informação acústica. Estudos De Lingüística Galega, 6, 53-80. Retrieved from http://www.usc.es/revistas/index.php/elg
Cardoso, A., & Magro, C. (2012). The syntax of naming constructions in European Portuguese dialects. Journal Of Portuguese Linguistics 11.
Cardoso, A. (2011). Orações apositivas em português: entre a sincronia e a diacronia. Estudos De Lingüística Galega.
Cardoso, A., Pereira, S., Sousa, O., & Silva, E. (2009). On the Development of Textual Skills. L1 – Educational Studies In Language And Literature 9.
Cardoso, A., & Pereira, S. (2002). Contributos para o estudo da emergência do tempo composto em Português. Revista Da Abralin — Associação Brasileira De Linguística 2.
Cardoso, A., & Magro, C. (2012). The syntax of naming constructions in European Portuguese dialects: variation and change. Journal Of Portuguese Linguistics 11.
Magro, C. (2010). Interpolação & Cia. Nos Dialectos Do Português Europeu. Estudos De Lingüistica Galega, 2, 97-119.
Magro, C. (2010). When corpus analysis refutes common beliefs. The Case Of Interpolation In European Portuguese Dialects. Corpus, 9, 115-135.
Martins, A. M. (2014). How much syntax is there in Metalinguistic Negation?. Natural Language And Linguistic Theory 32. Retrieved from http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007\%2Fs11049-013-9221-9#page-1
Martins, A. M. (2014). Review of: Meisel, Jürgen M. Martin Elsig & Esther Rinke 2013. Language Acquisition And Change. A Morphosyntactic Perspective. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. Folia Linguistica, 48.
Martins, A. M. (2013). Emphatic Polarity in European Portuguese and Beyond. Lingua, 128, 95-123. Retrieved from http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.lingua.2012.11.002
Martins, A. M. (2013). The interplay between VSO and coordination in two types of non-dregree exclamatives. Catalan Journal Of Linguistics, 12, 95-123. Retrieved from http://revistes.uab.cat/catJL/article/view/v12-martins/pdf-en
Martins, A. M. (2011). Scrambling and Information Focus in Old and Contemporary Portuguese. Catalan Journal Of Linguistics, 10, 1-26.
Costa, J., & Martins, A. M. (2011). On Focus Movement in European Portuguese. Probus 23.
Martins, A. M. (2011). Clíticos na história do português à luz do teatro vicentino. Estudos De Lingüística Galega, 3, 55-83.
Hornstein, N., Martins, A. M., & Nunes, J. (2008). Perception and Causative Structures in English and European Portuguese: Φ-feature Agreement and the Distribution of Bare and Prepositional Infinitives. Syntax 11.
Hornstein, N., Martins, A. M., & Nunes, J. (2006). Infinitival complements of perception and causative verbs: a case study on agreement and intervention effects in English and European Portuguese. University Of Maryland Working Papers In Linguistics, 14, 81-110.
Martins, A. M., & Nunes, J. (2006). Raising issues in Brazilian and European Portuguese. Journal Of Portuguese Linguistics, 4, 53-77.
Martins, A. M. (2005). Emphatic affirmation. .
Batllori, M., Iglésias, N., & Martins, A. M. (2005). Sintaxi dels clítics pronominals en català medieval. Caplletra, Revista Internacional De Filologia, 38, 137-177.