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Portuguese has two underlying rhotics: evidence from Lisbon and Carioca varieties Ler mais sobre Portuguese has two underlying rhotics: evidence from Lisbon and Carioca varieties
Tracking the evolution path of minimizer 'ponto' in Old Portuguese Ler mais sobre Tracking the evolution path of minimizer 'ponto' in Old Portuguese
The syntax of European Portuguese resultatives Ler mais sobre The syntax of European Portuguese resultatives
What is difficult in second language acquisition of syntax Ler mais sobre What is difficult in second language acquisition of syntax
汉语动词语法化的句法演变Hanyu dongci yufahua de jufa yanbian [A syntactic account of the grammaticalization of Chinese verbs] Ler mais sobre 汉语动词语法化的句法演变Hanyu dongci yufahua de jufa yanbian [A syntactic account of the grammaticalization of Chinese verbs]
A syntactic account of resultative variation Ler mais sobre A syntactic account of resultative variation