Primeiro nome
Middle name
Cardoso, H. C. (2016). Sincretismo diminutivo-feminino nos crioulos indo-portugueses. Revista Internacional De Lingüística Iberoamericana, 28, 139-155.
Cardoso, H. C. (2017). Descrições portuguesas das línguas de Timor-Leste na transição dos sécs. XIX e XX. Moderna Språk, 111.1, 1-34. Retrieved from
Smith, N., & Cardoso, H. C. (2004). A new look at the Portuguese element in Saramaccan. Journal Of Portuguese Linguistics, 3.2, 115-147.
Cardoso, H. C., & Pombo, P. (2018). Diu and the Diuese: Indian Ocean, heritage, and cultural landscape. South Asian Studies, 34.1, 1-5.
Mücke, J., & Cardoso, H. C. (2014). The correspondence between Angelus Francis Xaver Maffei and Hugo Schuchardt. Hugo Schuchardt Archiv, v.
(2014). Language endangerment and preservation in South Asia. Language Documentation & Conservation. Retrieved from
(2009). Accounting for similarities among the Asian-Portuguese varieties. Journal Of Portuguese Linguistics, 8.
Cardoso, H. C., & Pombo, P. (2018). Diu and the Diuese: Indian Ocean, heritage, and cultural landscape. South Asian Studies, 34.
Cardoso, H. C. (2018). The creole of Diu in Hugo Schuchardt’s archive. South Asian Studies, 34.1, 17-32.
Baxter, A. N., & Cardoso, H. C. (2017). Early notices regarding Creole Portuguese in former Portuguese Timor. Journal Of Language Contact, 10.2, 264-317.