Łukasz Jędrzejowski: Diachronic sources of adverbial clauses. Implications for synchronic analyses
CLUL Seminars
Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa

A próxima sessão do Seminário CLUL decorrerá no próximo dia 28 de março, terça-feira, entre as 15:30 e as 17:00, em formato presencial, em sala a divulgar posteriormente. 


Łukasz Jędrzejowski

TítuloDiachronic sources of adverbial clauses. Implications for synchronic analyses 



Cross-linguistically, it has been argued for a large number of adverbial clauses that they should be derived through strategies of clause relativization, cf. Geis (1970), Larson (1987, 1990), Demirdache & Uribe-Etxebarria (2004) and Haegeman (2009) for temporal clauses, Bhatt & Pancheva (2006) and Arsenijević (2009) for conditional clauses, Sanfelici & Rodeghiero (to appear) for causal clauses, and Arsenijević (2021) for five distinct types of adverbial clauses in English and Serbo-Croatian. 

In this talk, I provide an overview over different patterns showing how adverbial clauses emerge cross-linguistically, discuss their conditions of emergence, and show that their diachrony cannot be treated in a unified way. Based on the diachronic heterogeneity, I will then discuss cross-linguistic data showing that i) not all types of adverbial clauses involve a relativization strategy, ii) the operator movement analysis cannot account for the variation of adverbial clauses, and iii) the adjoin position of a particular adverbial clause is not sensitive to the relation between the proposition in the subordinate clause and the modified head.


Selected references:  

Arsenijević, Boban. 2021. Situation relatives: Deriving causation, concession, counterfactuality, condition, and purpose. In Andreas Blümel, Jovana Gajić, Ljudmila Geist, Uwe Junghanns & Hagen Pitsch (eds.) Advances in Formal Slavic Linguistics 2018, 1–34. Berlin: Language Science Press.  

Haegeman, Liliane. 2009. The movement analysis of temporal adverbial clauses. English Language and Linguistics 13(3). 385–408. 

Larson, Richard. 1990. Extraction and multiple selection in PP. The Linguistic Review 7(2). 169–182. 

Sanfelici, Emanuela & Sira Rodeghiero. to appear. From comparative to causal relations: The case of siccome ‘because’ in the history of Italian. Linguistics Vanguard, special issue Causal Clauses and Their Diachronic Suitability for Processes of Language Change ed. by Łukasz Jędrzejowski & Constanze Fleczoreck.