E-Book publication: "Estudos Linguísticos e Filológicos Oferecidos a Ivo Castro"
23 October 2019
Estudos Linguísticos e Filológicos Oferecidos a Ivo Castro

The e-book Estudos Linguísticos e FIlológicos Oferecidos a Ivo Castro, organized by Ernestina Carrilho, Ana Maria Martins, Sandra Pereira, and João Paulo Silvestre, has been published and is now available. This volume contains 60 linguistic and philological studies offered to Ivo Castro by colleagues from Portugal, Brazil, Spain, Italy, the United Kingdom, Switzerland, Germany, Holland and Poland.

The e-book can is available on open access, in CLUL's Repository at ULisboa: http://hdl.handle.net/10451/39619.