(2012). Exercícios de Consciência Fonológica – preparação para a leitura e escrita. Lisboa: Relicário de Sons. . |
(2012). Ser letrado e trovador. eHumanista 22. . |
(2012). Nada na Linguagem lhe é Estranho. (A. Costa & Duarte, I., Eds.). Porto: Edições Afrontamento. |
(2012). Textos Selecionados do 27º Encontro Nacional da Associação Portuguesa de Linguística 2011. Lisboa: Associação Portuguesa de Linguística. . |
(2012). Os Sons que estão dentro das Palavras. Descrição e Implicações para o Ensino do Português como Língua Materna. Lisboa: Colibri/APP. . |
(2012). Linguistic and Ethnographic Atlas of Azores (ALEAç) (pp. 15-17). Author of the following linguistic maps (lexicon), Animal farming– general terms, pp 2-13. Retrieved from http://www.culturacores.azores.gov.pt/alea/ . |
(2012). Linguistic and Ethnographic Atlas of Azores (ALEAç) (pp. 85-98). Author of the following linguistic maps (lexicon), Pig and pig slaughter (matança). Retrieved from http://www.culturacores.azores.gov.pt/alea/ . |
(2012). Linguistic and Ethnographic Atlas of Azores (ALEAç) (pp. 343-384). Author of the following linguistic maps (lexicon), Flour milling. Retrieved from http://www.culturacores.azores.gov.pt/alea/ . |
(2012). Linguistic and Ethnographic Atlas of Azores (ALEAç) (pp. 580-639). Author of the following linguistic maps (lexicon), Weeds and herbs, flowering plants and shrubs. Retrieved from http://www.culturacores.azores.gov.pt/alea/ . |
(2012). Linguistic and Ethnographic Atlas of Azores (ALEAç) (pp. 650-686). Author of the following linguistic maps (lexicon), Farming and farming tools. Retrieved from http://www.culturacores.azores.gov.pt/alea/ . |
(2012). Linguistic and Ethnographic Atlas of Azores (ALEAç) (pp. 1002-1016). Author of the following linguistic maps (lexicon), Birds, insects and reptiles. Retrieved from http://www.culturacores.azores.gov.pt/alea/ . |
(2012). Linguistic and Ethnographic Atlas of Azores (ALEAç) (pp. 14; 18-21; 23-51). Author of the following linguistic maps (lexicon), Animal-farming: cattle. Retrieved from http://www.culturacores.azores.gov.pt/alea/ . |
(2012). Linguistic and Ethnographic Atlas of Azores (ALEAç) (pp. 206-272). Author of the following linguistic maps (lexicon), Flax and wool crafts. Retrieved from http://www.culturacores.azores.gov.pt/alea/ . |
(2012). Linguistic and Ethnographic Atlas of Azores (ALEAç) (pp. 278-342). Author of the following linguistic maps (lexicon), Corn production. Retrieved from http://www.culturacores.azores.gov.pt/alea/ . |
(2012). Linguistic and Ethnographic Atlas of Azores (ALEAç) (pp. 536-579). Author of the following linguistic maps (lexicon), Kitchen-gardening. Retrieved from http://www.culturacores.azores.gov.pt/alea/ . |
(2012). Linguistic and Ethnographic Atlas of Azores (ALEAç) (p. 277, 276). Author Of The Following Linguistic Maps (Morphophonology). Retrieved from http://www.culturacores.azores.gov.pt/alea/ . |
(2012). Linguistic and Ethnographic Atlas of Azores (ALEAç) (p. 22). Author of the following linguistic maps (lexicon), Animal-farming: cattle, sheep and goat, Milk and dairy products. . |
(2012). Linguistic and Ethnographic Atlas of Azores (ALEAç) (pp. 146-205). Author of the following linguistic maps (lexicon), Vineyards and wine making. Retrieved from http://www.culturacores.azores.gov.pt/alea/ . |
(2012). Linguistic and Ethnographic Atlas of Azores (ALEAç) (pp. 385-422). Author of the following linguistic maps (lexicon), Bread making. Retrieved from http://www.culturacores.azores.gov.pt/alea/ . |
(2012). Linguistic and Ethnographic Atlas of Azores (ALEAç) (pp. 429-529). Author of the following linguistic maps (lexicon), The trees and their uses, Fruit-trees. Retrieved from http://www.culturacores.azores.gov.pt/alea/ . |
(2012). Linguistic and Ethnographic Atlas of Azores (ALEAç) (pp. 687-748). Author of the following linguistic maps (lexicon), Farming and farming tools. Retrieved from http://www.culturacores.azores.gov.pt/alea/ . |
(2012). Linguistic and Ethnographic Atlas of Azores (ALEAç) (pp. 749-820). Author of the following linguistic maps (lexicon), Craftsmanship and professions. Retrieved from http://www.culturacores.azores.gov.pt/alea/ . |
(2012). Linguistic and Ethnographic Atlas of Azores (ALEAç) (pp. 835-881). Author of the following linguistic maps (lexicon), Livestock and fowl. Retrieved from http://www.culturacores.azores.gov.pt/alea/ . |
(2012). Linguistic and Ethnographic Atlas of Azores (ALEAç) (pp. 882-915). Author of the following linguistic maps (lexicon), Equidae and horse harness. Retrieved from http://www.culturacores.azores.gov.pt/alea/ . |
(2012). Linguistic and Ethnographic Atlas of Azores (ALEAç) (pp. 934-1001). Author of the following linguistic maps (lexicon), Wild animals, Birds, insects and reptiles. Retrieved from http://www.culturacores.azores.gov.pt/alea/ . |
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