A próxima sessão do seminário CLUL decorrerá no próximo dia 10 de Abril, quarta-feira, das 17:00 às 18:30 na sala B112.C
Chao Zhou
Título: Cumulativity in phonological grammar: evidence from L1 and L2 acquisition of Portuguese
It is often assumed that grammar makes only dichotomous distinctions between grammatical and ungrammatical forms. However, a growing number of studies suggest that phonological knowledge is rather gradient, e.g. well-formedness judgments of illegal onset clusters in English (bn > bd > lb; Berents et al. 2010). Such a gradient pattern arguably arises from the fact that phonological grammar is sensitive to cumulative/additive effects, e.g. the more Minimal Sonority Distance is disobeyed, the more ill-formed an onset cluster is.
In this talk, I will present further evidence for cumulativity in phonological grammar from first language (Zhou & Freitas 2024) and second language acquisition of European Portuguese (Zhou & Hamann 2024).
Berent, Iris & Lennertz, Tracy (2010). Universal constraints on the sound structure of language: Phonological or acoustic? Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 36(1), 212–223.
Zhou, Chao & Freitas, Maria João (2024) Modelling the developmental path in the acquisition of /l/-final irregular plurals by Portuguese children. Language Acquisition.
Zhou, Chao & Hamann, Silke (2024) Modelling the acquisition of the Portuguese tap by L1- Mandarin learners: A BiPhon-HG account for individual differences, syllable-position effects and orthographic influences in L2 speech. Glossa: a journal of general linguistics, 9(1).