Portuguese Language: Computer-aided teaching
Portuguese Language: Computer-aided teaching is a teaching method for learners of Portuguese as a foreign language, and can also be used by learner of Portuguese as mother tongue.
Presentation and demonstration: Cascais, conference "Multimedia et enseignement de la langue écrite", 1997; EXPOLíngua, Macau, 1998; EXPOLíngua, Lisbon, 1998; EXPOLANGUES, Paris, 1999; and many teaching institutions.
Student Corpus
Student Corpus is a program that enables the student to extract frequency information and concordances from the corpus. This corpus contains:
- 40 texts from the book Textos;
- texts from the book Sugestões de Leitura.
The texts book contains 40 texts from different themes, extracted from authentic spoken and written productions.
The order of the texts follow pedagogical criteria, to favour the progression of knowledge.
From the texts book, the student can access information contained in all the other books and also to the Lexicon (following the link), which gives the meaning of words and expressions occurring in the texts.
Inflected Morphology: Noun and Adjective
Inflected Morphology: Noun and Adjective is a book with the inflected paradigms of nouns and adjectives. It contains an index of the classes of nouns and adjectives. For each class, there is a page with the inflected rule and lists of the words following this rule.
Inflected Morphology: Verb
Inflected Morphology: Verb is a book wirht the paradigms of verb inflection. It contains:
- an index of frequent verbs and their inflected patterns;
- an index of tense and mood for each model of inflection;
- a page for each tense and mood, for each model-verb, with: model-verb in the infinitive; indication of tense/mood; complete inflected paradigm.
It contains an index of grammatical subjects, developed in grammar files. These files contain the use and meaning of lexical elements which are usually problematic for the aquisition of Portuguese as a foreign language.
Multiword expressions
It contains:
- an index of idiomatic and non-idiomatic expressions, and proverbs; organization: words occurring int the multiword expression are sorted alphabetically;
- individual pages for each expression with: an explanation of its meaning (for the idiomatic ones, the proverbs, and some non-idiomatic) with an example in the case of idiomatic expressions.
Series (Semantic Fields)
It contains:
- indexes of series and sub-series;
- individual pages for each serie and sub-serie with semantically related words, sorted alphabetically and by grammatical classes (Nouns, Verbs and Adjectives).
It presents a list of alphabetically sorted words, with more than 500 synonims for these words.
Readings Suggestions
Reading Suggestions contains representative texts of Portuguese as a language of culture, for free use:
- an overview of cinema and theatre in Portugal;
- literary texts, especially from contemporary authors;
- informative texts about the division of the Portuguese territory and about the governing institutions in Portugal.
It presents an index of exercices organized by the number and name of the texts they are associated with. The exercises are distributed by individual pages and are organized by: Understanding, Language Study and Working Theme.
The exercises have direct links to the grammar files to solve any question raised by the exercises.
At the end of each group of 10 texts-exercises the user has access to auto-evaluation tests. These tests evaluate lexical, morphological and grammatical knowledge acquired.
Words Family
It contains, for each frequent word, a list of words with the same root sorted alphabetically and with information on their part-of-speech. This book enables a direct link to the same word in the bool Lexical Information.
Lexical Information
This component gives access to: an index of the meanings of each frequent word in the texts. For each meaning, it gives information on: its definition, part-of-speech, examples, synonyms, antonyms, structures of use and collocations.