Tecnologias da Tradução
Início | Fim | Descrição |
2013 | 2014 | “Tradução Assistida por Computador” do mestrado em Tradução e dos cursos de especialização em Práticas de Tradução e em Tecnologias da Tradução da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa |
2011 | 2012 | “Tradução do Texto Científico e Técnico – Inglês/Português” (nível 1) e “Tradução do Texto Científico e Técnico – Inglês/Português” (nível 2) do mestrado em Tradução da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa (com Raquel Amaro) |
2011 | 2012 | da disciplina de “Tradução e Tecnologias de Informação Linguística” dos cursos de especialização em Práticas de Tradução e em Tecnologias da Tradução da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa (com Raquel Amaro) |
Publicações selecionadas
(2017). Error detection and error correction for improving quality in machine translation and human post-editing. In 20th International Conference on Intelligent Text Processing and Computational Linguistics – CICLing 2017, reprinted in International Journal of Computer Applications. Retrieved from https://repositorio.ul.pt/bitstream/10451/33007/1/error%20detection_Comparin%26Mendes2017.pdf . |
(2017). Using error annotation to evaluate machine translation and human post-editing in a business environment. In 20th Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation – EAMT 2017 (pp. 68-73). Praga, República Checa. Retrieved from https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/c9d2/8db57b3cedfd75a2fe694dcc59ba8caf7029.pdf . |
(2016). Lexicologia e Linguística Computacional. In A. M. Martins & Carrilho, E. (Eds.), Manual de Linguística Portuguesa (pp. 178-199). Berlim: De Gruyter Mouton. . |
(2015). Reading between the lines: Overcoming data sparsity for accurate classification of lexical relationships. In Proceedings of the 4th Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational Semantics – *SEM 2015 (pp. 182-192). Denver, Colorado, EUA. . |
(2013). Increasing density through new relations and POS encoding in WordNet.PT: consistency, coverage and applications. International Journal Of Computer Applications, Vol. 4, nº 1, 11-27. . |
(2012). Portuguese Controlled Language: coping with ambiguity. In T. Kuhn & Fuchs, N. E. (Eds.), Controlled Natural Languages – CNL 2012 (pp. 152-166). Berlin Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag. . |
(2010). Encoding Event and Argument Structures in Wordnets. In P. Sojka, Horák, A., Kopecek, I., & Pala, K. (Eds.), TSD 2010 (pp. 21-28). Berlin Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag. . |
(2010). Lexical-conceptual relations as qualia role encoders. In P. Sojka, Horák, A., Kopecek, I., & Pala, K. (Eds.), TSD 2010 (pp. 29-36). Berlin Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag. . |
Todas as publicações
(2017). Using error annotation to evaluate machine translation and human post-editing in a business environment. In 20th Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation – EAMT 2017 (pp. 68-73). Praga, República Checa. Retrieved from https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/c9d2/8db57b3cedfd75a2fe694dcc59ba8caf7029.pdf . |
(2017). Error detection and error correction for improving quality in machine translation and human post-editing. In 20th International Conference on Intelligent Text Processing and Computational Linguistics – CICLing 2017, reprinted in International Journal of Computer Applications. Retrieved from https://repositorio.ul.pt/bitstream/10451/33007/1/error%20detection_Comparin%26Mendes2017.pdf . |
(2016). Lexicologia e Linguística Computacional. In A. M. Martins & Carrilho, E. (Eds.), Manual de Linguística Portuguesa (pp. 178-199). Berlim: De Gruyter Mouton. . |
(2015). Reading between the lines: Overcoming data sparsity for accurate classification of lexical relationships. In Proceedings of the 4th Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational Semantics – *SEM 2015 (pp. 182-192). Denver, Colorado, EUA. . |
(2014). A cascade approach for complex-type classification. In 9th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation - LREC 2014 (pp. 4451-4458). (Original work published 2014) . |
(2014). Combining dependency information and generalization in a pattern-based approach to the classification of lexical-semantic relation instances. In 9th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation - LREC 2014 (pp. 4308-4315). Reykjavik, Islândia. (Original work published 2014) . |
(2014). LexTec - a rich language resource for technical domains in Portuguese. In 9th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation - LREC 2014 (pp. 1044-1050). Reykjavik, Islândia. (Original work published 2014) . |
(2014). Using unmarked contexts in nominal lexical semantic classification. In 25th International Conference on Computational Linguistics - COLING 2014 (pp. 508-519). Dublin, Irlanda. (Original work published 2014) . |
(2013). Towards the automatic classification of complex-type nominals. In 6th International Conference on Generative Approaches to the Lexicon – GL 2013 (pp. 21-28). Pisa, Itália. . |
(2013). Increasing density through new relations and POS encoding in WordNet.PT: consistency, coverage and applications. International Journal Of Computer Applications, Vol. 4, nº 1, 11-27. . |
(2012). Synonym extraction using a language graph model. In Workshop on Semantic Relations II – Enhancing Resources and Applications at the 8th international conference on Language Resources and Evaluation – LREC 2012 (pp. 1-9). Istambul, Turquia. (Original work published 2012) . |
(2012). Using Qualia Information to Identify Lexical Semantic Classes in an Unsupervised Clustering Task. In 24th International Conference on Computational Linguistics – COLING 2012 (pp. 1029-1038). Bombaim, Índia. (Original work published 2012) . |
(2012). Towards merging common and technical lexicon wordnets. In 3rd Workshop on Cognitive Aspects of the Lexicon (CogALex-III) at the 24th International Conference on Computational Linguistics – COLING 2012 (pp. 147-160). Bombaim, Índia. (Original work published 2012) . |
(2012). Portuguese Controlled Language: coping with ambiguity. In T. Kuhn & Fuchs, N. E. (Eds.), Controlled Natural Languages – CNL 2012 (pp. 152-166). Berlin Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag. . |
(2011). WordNet.PTglobal – Extending WordNet.PT to Portuguese varieties. In DIALECTS’11 – the 1st workshop on Algorithms and Resources for Modelling of Dialects and Language Varieties at the 2011 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing – EMNLP 2011 (pp. 70-74). Edimburgo, Escócia. (Original work published 2011) . |
(2010). Lexical-conceptual relations as qualia role encoders. In P. Sojka, Horák, A., Kopecek, I., & Pala, K. (Eds.), TSD 2010 (pp. 29-36). Berlin Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag. . |
(2010). Encoding Event and Argument Structures in Wordnets. In P. Sojka, Horák, A., Kopecek, I., & Pala, K. (Eds.), TSD 2010 (pp. 21-28). Berlin Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag. . |
(2009). Syntax and Semantics of Adjectives in Portuguese: analysis and modelling. Universidade de Lisboa. (Original work published 2009) . |
(2009). Modeling the impact of adjective position in the construction of NP meaning. In 5th International Conference on Generative Approaches to the Lexicon (pp. 201-208). Pisa, Itália. (Original work published 2009) . |
(2009). Modeling adjectives in GL: accounting for all adjective classes. In 5th International Conference on Generative Approaches to the Lexicon (pp. 176-183). Pisa, Itália. (Original work published 2009) . |
(2007). Using WordNet.PT for translation: disambiguation and lexical selection decisions. International Journal Of Translation, Vol. 19. . |
(2006). WordNet.PT new directions. In 3rd Global WordNet Association Conference (pp. 319-320). Ilha Jeju, República da Coreia. (Original work published 2006) . |
(2006). Adjectives in WordNet.PT. In 3rd Global WordNet Association Conference (pp. 225-230). Ilha Jeju, República da Coreia. (Original work published 2006) . |
(2006). Modeling Adjectives in Computational Relational Lexica. In 21st International Conference on Computational Linguistics and 44th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics – COLING/ACL 2006 (pp. 555-562). Sidney, Austrália. (Original work published 2006) . |
(2006). Enriching Wordnets with New Relations and with Event and Argument Structures. In 7th International Conference on Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing – CICLing 2006 (pp. 28-40). Berlin: Springer-Verlag. . |
(2005). Event modifying adjectives in Portuguese. In 3rd International Conference on Generative Approaches to the Lexicon (pp. 159-166). Genebra, Suíça. (Original work published 2005) . |
(2004). L’analyse des questions: intérêts pour la génération des réponses. In Workshop Question-Réponse à la Conférence TALN 2004 (Traitement Automatique du Langage Naturel) (pp. 413-422). Fez, Marrocos. (Original work published 2004) . |
(2001). Enriching WordNet with Qualia Information. In Workshop on WordNet and Other Lexical Resources: Applications, Extensions and Customizations at the 2nd Meeting of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics – NAACL 2001 (pp. 108-112). Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, EUA. (Original work published 2001) . |
Ano | Título | Estudante | Grau |
Relatório de estágio na Unbabel | Nadezhda Metodieva | Mestrado | |
Relatório de Estágio curricular no Camões, IP: contributo da criação de recursos lexicais de tradutor no trabalho de tradução desenvolvido na instituição | Rita Machado Cardoso Elias Garcia | Mestrado |
Ano | Title | Estudante | Grau |
A integração de léxico de especialidade e de léxico comum e a sua modelização no modelo da WordNet.PT | Doutoramento |