InAPoP - Interactive Atlas of Prosody of Portuguese

Instituição financiadora
FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
IR do Projeto
Sónia Frota




Research on prosodic, intonational and rhythmic variation in Portuguese is presently very limited. This project aims at developing research and applications in this domain, within a program of international scope that proposes a system for prosodic analysis of speech corpora, together with a set of methodological procedures that enable cross-linguistic work on prosodic variation in language. It arises as a natural consequence of much ongoing work in the last decade within the Phonetics Laboratory of the University of Lisbon and other collaborating groups.

One of the project's main outputs consists of an Interactive Atlas of the Prosody of Portuguese, freely accessed online. The Atlas will include, among other things, maps showing the distribution of varieties as to the observed phrasing preferences, tonal density, intonational typology, and rhythmic properties; annotated sentences for intonation and phrasing; prototypical examples of the different sentence types from the different regions, with corresponding F0traces and spectrograms; training materials; a list of resources for research on Portuguese intonation; and methodological information.
The Atlas aims to fully cover European Portuguese, varieties of Brazilian Portuguese along the Atlantic Coast as well as varieties of the Portuguese spoken in Angola. 

Extensions/applications of InAPoP are currently in progress.



InAPoP - Interactive Atlas of the Prosody of Portuguese
Coordinator: Sónia Frota
Funded by FCT 
ISLRN 596-167-619-923-0




Citation | Frota, S. and M. Cruz (Coords). (2012-2015) Interactive Atlas of the Prosody of Portuguese Webplatform []

Frota, S., Prieto, P., & Elordieta, G. (2020). Iberia. In Carlos Gussenhoven & Aoju Chen (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Language Prosody (pp. 251-270). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Castelo, J., Bazenga, A., Collischonn, G., Henrique, P., & Frota, S. (2018). A Percepção das interrogativas globais entre variedades do Português do Brasil. Filologia E Linguística Portuguesa, 20(Especial), 11-25.
Castelo, J., & Frota, S. (2017). The yes-no question contour in Brazilian Portuguese: A geographical continuum. In Studies on Variation in Portuguese. (Issues in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics 14) (P. Barbosa and M. da C. de Paiva and C. Rodrigues, pp. 111-133). Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing.
Cruz, M., Swerts, M., & Frota, S. (2017). The role of intonation and visual cues in the perception of sentence types: Evidence from European Portuguese varieties. Laboratory Phonology: Journal Of The Association For Laboratory Phonology, 8(1), 23.
Cruz, M., Oliveira, P., Palma, N., ., B., & Frota, S. (2017). Building a prosodic profile of European Portuguese varieties: The challenge of mapping intonation and rhythm. In Studies on Variation in Portuguese. (Issues in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics 14) (P. Barbosa and M. da C. de Paiva and C. Rodrigues, pp. 81-110). Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing. 1075/ihll.14
Oliveira, P., Cruz, M., Paulino, N., & Vigário, M. (2017). Glide insertion to break a hiatus across words in European Portuguese. In Studies on Variation in Portuguese (pp. 50-79). John Benjamins Publishing Company.
Santos, R., & Vigário, M. (2016). Phonology-syntax interface. In The Handbook of Portuguese Linguistics (L. Wetzels, S. Menuzzi & J. Costa, Vol. 10, pp. 125-140). Malden: Willey-Blackwell.
Vigário, M. (2016). Segmental phenomena and their interactions: Evidence for prosodic organization and the architecture of grammar. In Manual of Grammatical Interfaces in Romance (Series Manuals of Romance Linguistics (Susann Fischer & Christoph Gabriel, Vol. 10, pp. 41-73). Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter.
Frota, S. (2016). Surface and Structure: Transcribing Intonation within and across Languages. Laboratory Phonology, 7(1), 7.
Frota, S., & Moraes, J. (2016). Intonation of European and Brazilian Portuguese. In W. Leo Wetzels, João Costa & Sergio Menuzzi (eds.). The Handbook of Portuguese Linguistics, First Edition (pp. 141-166). John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Frota, S., Cruz, M., Castelo, J., Barros, N., Crespo-Sendra, V., & Vigário, M. (2016). Tune or Text? Tune-text accommodation strategies in Portuguese, in Proceedings of Speech Prosody 8, May 31-June 3, Boston University. In Proceedings of Speech Prosody 8, May 31-June 3, Boston University, USA. Retrieved from\_2016/pdfs/148.pdf
Frota, S., Cruz, M., Matos, N., & Vigário, M. (2016). Early Prosodic Development: Emerging intonation and phrasing in European Portuguese. In Interdisciplinary approaches to intonational grammar in Ibero-Romance (M. E. Armstrong, N. Henriksen & M. M. Vanrell, pp. 295-324). Philadelphia, USA: John Benjamins. 1075/ihll.6.14fro
Barros, N., & Frota, S. (2015). Prosodic Phrasing in parentheticals and topics across varieties of European Portuguese. In Proceedings of the 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences. The Scottish Consortium for ICPhS 2015, Glasgow, UK: University of Glasgow. Retrieved from
Cruz, M., Swerts, M., & Frota, S. (2015). Variation in tone and gesture within language. In Proceedings of the 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (The Scottish Consortium for ICPhS 2015 ed.). Glasgow, UK: The University of Glasgow. Retrieved from
Frota, S., Oliveira, P., Cruz, M., & Vigário, M. (2015). P-ToBI: tools for the transcription of Portuguese prosody. Lisboa: Laboratório de Fonética, CLUL/FLUL.
Castelo, J., & Frota, S. (2015). Variação entoacional no Português do Brasil: uma análise fonológica do contorno nuclear em enunciados declarativos e interrogativos. In XXX Encontro Nacional da Associação Portuguesa de Linguística. Textos Selecionados (A. Moreno, F. Silva & J. Veloso, pp. 113-131). Porto: APL.
Frota, S., Cruz, M., Svartman, F., Collischonn, G., Fonseca, A., Serra, C., et al. (2015). Intonational variation in Portuguese: European and Brazilian varieties. In Intonation in Romance (S. Frota & P. Prieto, pp. 235-283). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Frota, S., Castelo, J., Cruz, M., Crespo-Sendra, V., Barros, N., Silvestre, A., & Vigário, M. (2015). Melodia ou Texto? Estratégias de acomodação entre melodia e texto em Português. Diadorim , 17 (2), 12-33.
Frota, S., & Prieto, P. (2015). Intonation in Romance. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Frota, S., & Prieto, P. (2015). Intonation in Romance: systemic similarities and differences. In Intonation in Romance (S. Frota & P. Prieto, pp. 392-418). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Prieto, P., Borràs-Comes, T., Cabré, V., Crespo-Sendra, I., Mascaró, P., Roseano, R., et al. (2015). Intonational phonology of Catalan and its dialectal varieties. In S. Frota & P. Prieto (eds.). Intonation in Romance. (Vol. 1–9-62). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Paulino, N., & Frota, S. (2015). Variação prosódica no Português Europeu: Análise comparada de fenómenos de sândi vocálico. In XXX Encontro da Associação Portuguesa de Linguística. Textos Seleccionados (A. Moreno, F. Silva & J. Veloso, pp. 435-448). Porto: APL.
Armstrong, M. E., & Cruz, M. (2014). The Intonational Phonology of Peninsular Spanish and European Portuguese. In P. Amaral & A. Carvalho (eds.). Portuguese/Spanish Interfaces. Diachrony, synchrony, and contact (Vol. 1–151-174). Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company.
Cruz, M., & Frota, S. (2014). Rhythm in central-southern varieties of European Portuguese: production and perception . In In Textos Selecionados do XXIX Encontro Nacional da Associação Portuguesa de Linguística (E., Bascelar-do-Nascimento and M. F. and Mota, M. A. and Segura, L. and Mendes, A. (eds), Vol. III, pp. 213-230). Lisbon: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.
Frota, S. (2014). The intonational phonology of European Portuguese, in Prosodic Typology II. In (pp. 6-42). Sun-Ah Jun, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Oliveira, P., Paulino, N., Cruz, M., & Vigário, M. (2014). Onde ainda([j])há o fenómeno. Contributo para o estudo da inserção de glide entre vogais entrais. In A. Moreno, F. Silva, I. Falé, I. Pereira & J. Veloso (org.). Textos Selecionados do XXIX Encontro da Associação Portuguesa de Linguística. (pp. 419-436). Porto: APL.
Santos, V., & Svartman, F. R. F. (2014). O padrão entoacional neutro do português de Guiné-Bissau: uma comparação preliminar com o português brasileiro. Estudos Linguísticos, 43 (1), 48-63.
Toneli, P. M., Vigário, M., & Abaurre, B. (2014). Distinguishing emphatic and prosodic word initial stresses: evidence from Brazilian Portuguese. In C. Gussenhoven, Y. Chen & D. Dediu (eds.). Proceedings of The 4th International Symposium on Tonal Aspects of Languages (pp. 172-176). Nijmegen, The Netherlands.
Cruz, M., & Frota, S. (2013). On the relation between intonational phrasing and pitch accent distribution. In Evidence from European Portuguese varieties. In Proceedings of the 14th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (Interspeech.
Cruz, M., & Frota, S. (2013). Correlação entre fraseamento prosódico e distribuição de acentos tonais? Evidências da variação no Português Europeu. In Textos Seleccionados do XXVIII Encontro Nacional da Associação Portuguesa de Linguística. Lisboa: APL.
Gravina, A. P., & Svartman, F. R. F. (2013). Interface sintaxe-fonologia: desambiguação pela estrutura prosódica no português brasileiro. Alfa: Revista De Lingüística, 57 (2).
Svartman, F. R. F. (2012). Factores determinantes na atribuição de acentos tonais em sentenças neutras do português brasileiro. In II Congresso Internacional de Lingüistica Histórica. 2012. São Paulo. Anais de Resumos do II Congresso Internacional de Lingüistica Histórica (pp. 300-303). São Paulo: Humanitas.
Frota, S., Cruz, M., & Vigário, M. (2012). Romance Languages Database. Online database for intonational phrasing in Romance, (updated version, now including data from Northern European Portuguese) . Retrieved from
Scarpa, E., & Svartman, F. R. F. (2012). A estrutura prosódica das disfluências no português brasileiro. Caderno De Estudos Lingüisticos (Unicamp), 54, 25-40.
Cruz, M., & Frota, S. (2012). Para a prosódia do foco em variedades do Português Europeu. In Textos Seleccionados do XXVII Encontro Nacional da Associação Portuguesa de Linguística (pp. 196-216). A. Costa, C. Flores & N. Alexandre. Lisboa: APL.
Svartman, F. R. F. (2012). A entoação das sentenças clivadas em português brasileiro e a interface sintaxe-fonologia. Filologia E Lingüistica Portuguesa, 14, 37-56.
Cruz, M., & Frota, S. (2011). Prosódia dos tipos frásicos em variedades do Português Europeu: produção e percepção. In XXVI ENAPL. Textos Seleccionados 2010 (pp. 208-22). M. A. Costa, I. Falé & P. Barbosa. Lisboa: APL.
Frota, S., & Vigário, M. (2007). Intonational Phrasing in two varieties of European Portuguese. Tones And Tunes, I, 265-291.
Vigário, M., & Frota, S. (2003). The intonation of Standard and Northern European Portuguese. Journal Of Portuguese Linguistics, Special Issue On Portuguese Phonology, 2.
Frota, S. (2002). Nuclear falls and rises in European Portuguese: a phonological analysis of declarative and question intonation. Probus, (Special Issue On Intonation In Romance, 14.
Frota, S., & Vigário, M. (2001). On the correlates of rhythmic distinctions: the European/Brazilian Portuguese case. Probus, 13, 247-273.
Frota, S., & Vigário, M. (2000). Aspectos de prosódia comparada: ritmo e entoação no PE e no PB. In Actas do XV Encontro Nacional da Associação Portuguesa de Linguística (Vol. 1, pp. 533-555). Coimbra: APL.
Outras publicações


Barros, N. & S. Frota. 2017. Fraseamento Prosódico em variedades do Português Europeu. Talk presented at XXXII Encontro Nacional da Associação Portuguesa de Linguística, September 27-29, Universidade de Évora, Portugal.

Barros, N. & S. Frota. 2017. Prosodic Phrasing in European Portuguese varieties. Talk presented at ProPro 2017: Processing prosody across languages, varieties, and nativeness, August 31 - September 1, Tübingen, Germany.

Cruz, M., M. Swerts & S. Frota. 2017. Rostos que falam: pistas faciais para a identificação de tipos frásicos. Invited talk presented at Seminários CEHUM - Seminários de Linguística, March 26, UMinho, Braga, Portugal. [pdf]

Frota, S. (coord.). 2017. Dynamic mapping of language variation. Talk presented at the Green Business Week, March 15, Centro de Congressos de Lisboa, Portugal. (Collaborators: Marina Vigário, Marisa Cruz, Pedro Oliveira).



Cruz, M., M. Swerts, P. Oliveira, N. Paulino, N. Barros, M. Vigário, J. Castelo, F. Fernandes-Svartman & S. Frota. 2016. Talking faces across varieties of European Portuguese: audiovisual production and perception of prosody. Talk presented at ABC – 2ndAdvisory Board Colloquium, November 10, University of Lisbon, Portugal.

Cruz, M., M. Swerts & S. Frota. 2016. Melody or/and gesture? The perception of sentence types across European Portuguese varieties. Talk presented at ExAPP 2016 - Experimental Approaches to Perception and Production of Language Variation, September 21-24, University of Vienna, Austria. [pdf]

Cruz, M., M. Swerts & S. Frota. 2016. Perceção multimodal (auditiva e visual) de tipos frásicos entre variedades do Português. Talk presented at Seminários CLUL, April 15, University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal. [pdf]

Frota, S., M. Cruz, J. Castelo, N. Barros, V. Crespo-Sendra & M. Vigário. 2016. Tune or Text? Tune-text accommodation strategies in Portuguese. Poster presented at Speech Prosody 2016, May 31 - June 3, Boston University, USA.



Barone, M. & J. Castelo. 2015. High pre-tonic falls in Northeastern Brazilian varieties: may a prenuclear high target spreading rightward re-categorize as a nuclear leading tone?. Talk given at the ProVar - Workshop on Prosodic Variation. 2nd Workshop of the project Interactive Atlas of the Prosody of Portuguese, July 9, Lisbon, Portugal. [.pdf]

Barros, N. & S. Frota. 2015. Prosodic phrasing in parentheticals and topics across varieties of European Portuguese. Talk presented at the 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS 2015), August 10-14, Glasgow, Scotland, UK. [.pdf]

Crespo-Sendra, V., M. Cruz, J. Castelo & S. Frota. 2015. Asking questions across European and Brazilian Portuguese varieties: information-seeking and counterexpectational yes-no questions. Talk presented at the ProVar - Workshop on Prosodic Variation. 2nd Workshop of the project Interactive Atlas of the Prosody of Portuguese, July 9, Lisbon, Portugal. [.pdf]

Cruz, M., M. Swerts & S. Frota. 2015. Variation in tone and gesture within language. Talk presented at the 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS 2015), August 10-14, Glasgow, Scotland, UK. [.pdf]

Cruz, M., M. Swerts & S. Frota. 2015. Variability in tone and gesture within language. Talk presented at PaPE2015 - Phonetics and Phonology in Europe 2015. Cambridge: Cambridge University. [.pdf]

Frota, S., P. Oliveira, M. Cruz & M. Vigário. 2015. P_ToBI: tools for the transcription of Portuguese prosody. Talk presented at ProVar - Workshop on Prosodic Variation. 2nd Workshop of the project Interactive Atlas of the Prosody of Portuguese, July 9,  Lisbon, Portugal. [.pdf]

Oliveira, P., P. Palma, N. Barros, B. Neto, M. Cruz & S. Frota. 2015. ArcGIS solutions for language variation: the challenge of mapping prosody in European Portuguese. Talk presented at Esri European User Conference ‘15, October 14-16, Salzburg, Austria. [.pdf]

Oliveira, P., P. Palma, N. Barros, B. Neto, M. Cruz & S. Frota. 2015. Mapping variation in European Portuguese: intonation, phrasing, and rhythm. Talk presented at ProVar - Workshop on Prosodic Variation. 2nd Workshop of the project Interactive Atlas of the Prosody of Portuguese, July 9, Lisbon, Portugal. [.pdf]

Fernandes-Svartman, F., N. Barros, V. Santos & J. Castelo. 2015. Intonational phrasing across varieties of Portuguese. Talk presented at ProVar - Workshop on Prosodic Variation. 2nd Workshop of the project Interactive Atlas of the Prosody of Portuguese, July 9, Lisbon, Portugal. [.pdf]

Vigário, M., N. Paulino & P. Oliveira. 2015. Prosodic Variation in EP: the contribution of Vowel Sandhi and Glide Insertion. Talk presented at ProVar - Workshop on Prosodic Variation. 2nd Workshop of the project Interactive Atlas of the Prosody of Portuguese, July 9,. Lisbon, Portugal. [.pdf]



Barros, N. & S. Frota. 2014. Fraseamento prosódico em Português: parentéticas e tópicos. Talk presented at the XXX Encontro Nacional da Associação Portuguesa de Linguística, October 22, University of Porto, Portugal. [.pdf]

Crespo-Sendra, V. 2014. Perceiving incredulity: of intonation and facial gestures. Talk presented at Falas no LabFon, March 28, University of Lisbon, Portugal. [.pdf]

Crespo-Sendra, V., M. Cruz, J. Silva & S. Frota. 2014. Asking questions across Portuguese varieties. Talk presented at the 6th International Conference on Tone and Intonation in Europe (TIE), September 10-12, University of Utrecht, Netherlands. [.pdf]

Cruz, M. 2014. Prosodic Variation in European Portuguese: Phrasing, Intonation and Rhythm in central-southern varieties. PhD Thesis presented at the 15º Quid Novi?, June 16, University of Porto, Portugal. [.pdf]

Cruz, M. & S. Frota. 2014. Accents on the face? Visual prosody in varieties of Portuguese. Poster presented at the 6th International Conference on Tone and Intonation in Europe (TIE), September 10-12, University of Utrecht, Netherlands. [.pdf]

Cruz, M. & S. Frota. 2014. Accents on the face? Visual prosody in varieties of Portuguese. Talk presented at the XXX Encontro Nacional da Associação Portuguesa de Linguística, October 22, University of Porto, Portugal. [.pdf]

Cruz, M, P. Palma, B. Neto, P. Oliveira & S. Frota. 2014. Building a prosodic profile of European Portuguese varieties: the challenge of mapping  intonation and rhythm. Talk presented at 1st International Symposium on Variation in Portuguese, April 29, Universidade do Minho, Portugal. [.pdf]

Fernandes-Svartman, F. & V. Santos. 2014. Tonal association in neutral sentences of Portuguese of Guinea-Bissau. Poster presented at the 6th International Conference on Tone and Intonation in Europe (TIE), September 10-12, University of Utrecht, Netherlands. [.pdf]

Oliveira, P., M. Cruz, N. Paulino & M. Vigário. 2014. Prosodic structure and prominence constraints on epenthesis: evidence from hiatus resolution across Portuguese varieties. Poster presented at 22nd Manchester Phonology Meeting, May 29-31, University of Manchester, UK. [.pdf]

Oliveira, P., P. Palma, M. Cruz, B. Neto & Sónia Frota. 2014. Sistemas SIG e variação dialectal no Português Europeu: métodos geográficos inovadores no mapeamento da prosódia. Poster presented at the EUE 2014 – 12º Encontro de Utilizadores Esri Portugal, May 21-22, Lisbon, Portugal. [.pdf]

Oliveira, P., P. Palma, M. Cruz, B. Neto & Sónia Frota. 2014. Viagens de Vário pelas melodias do Português. Storytelling presented at the EUE 2014 – 12º Encontro de Utilizadores Esri Portugal, May 21-22, Lisbon, Portugal. [info]

Oliveira, P, N. Paulino, M. Cruz & M. Vigário. 2014. Glide insertion to break a hiatus: the role of prosodic, geographic and sociolinguistic factors. Talk presented at 1st International Symposium on Variation in Portuguese, April 29, Universidade do Minho, Portugal. [.pdf]

Paulino, N. & S. Frota. 2014. Variação prosódica no Português Europeu: análise comparada de fenómenos de sândi vocálico. Talk presented at the XXX Encontro Nacional da Associação Portuguesa de Linguística, October 22-24, University of Porto, Portugal. [.pdf]

Silva, J. & S. Frota. 2014. Variação entoacional no Português do Brasil: uma análise fonológica do contorno nuclear em enunciados declarativos e interrogativos. Talk presented at the XXX Encontro Nacional da Associação Portuguesa de Linguística, October 22-24, University of Porto, Portugal [.pdf]

Silva, J. & S. Frota. 2014. The intonation of yes-no question in three varieties of Brazilian Portuguese. Talk presented at 1st International Symposium on Variation in Portuguese, April 29, Universidade do Minho, Portugal. [.pdf]

Toneli, P., M. Vigário & B. Abaurre. 2014. Distinguishing emphatic and Prosodic Word initial stresses: evidence from Brazilian Portuguese. Poster presented at the 4th International Symposium on Tonal Aspects of Languages, May 13-16, Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands.[.pdf]

Toneli, P., M. Vigário & B. Abaurre. 2014. Distribuição tonal em sentenças declarativas neutras em duas variedades do Português Brasileiro (Paraná e Minas Gerais), Talk presented at the XVII Congresso Internacional da Associação de Linguística e Filologia da América Latina (ALFAL), July 14-19, Universidade Federal da Paraíba, João Pessoa, Brazil.[.pdf]

Vigário, M. 2014. Distinguishing prosodic constituents from recursive domains. Invited talk presented at the Workshop The Prosodic Hierarchy in a Typological Perspective, March 14-15, Stockholm University, Sweden.[.pdf]

Vigário, M. & S. Frota. 2014. (Non-)Recursion in Phonology. Talk given at the 6th international Conference on Tone and Intonation in Europe (special session), September 10-12, Utrecht University, Netherlands.



Cruz, M. & S. Frota. 2013. O ritmo nas variedades centro-meridionais do Português Europeu. Talk presented at XXIX Encontro Nacional da Associação Portuguesa de Linguística, October 23, Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal. [.pdf]

Cruz, M. & S. Frota. 2013. On the relation between intonational phrasing and pitch accent distribution. Evidence from European Portuguese varieties. Poster presented at the 14th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (Interspeech 2013), August 25-29, Lyon, France. [.pdf]

Cruz, M. & S. Frota. 2013. Rhythm across European Portuguese varieties. Poster presented at PaPI2013 - Phonetics and Phonology in Iberia, June 26, University of Lisbon, Portugal. [.pdf]

Cruz, M., P. Oliveira & P. Palma. 2013. The InAPoP web platform: mapping prosodic variation. Talk presented at 1st Workshop of the Project Interactive Atlas of the Prosody of Portuguese – satellite event of PaPI2013 - Phonetics and Phonology in Iberia, June 27, University of Lisbon, Portugal. [.pdf]

Frota, S. & M. Cruz. 2013. The Interactive Atlas of the Prosody of Portuguese (InAPoP) Project. Talk presented at 1st Workshop of the Project Interactive Atlas of the Prosody of Portuguese – satellite event of PaPI2013 - Phonetics and Phonology in Iberia, June 27, University of Lisbon, Portugal. [.pdf]

Frota, S. & M. Vigário. 2013. The prosodic system of Portuguese: an interim overview. Talk presented at 1st Workshop of the Project Interactive Atlas of the Prosody of Portuguese – satellite event of PaPI2013 - Phonetics and Phonology in Iberia, June 27, University of Lisbon, Portugal. [.pdf]

Vigário, M., M. Cruz, P. Oliveira & N. Paulino. 2013. Prosodic phrasing across varieties of European Portuguese: segmental evidence. Talk presented at 1st Workshop of the Project Interactive Atlas of the Prosody of Portuguese – satellite event of PaPI2013 - Phonetics and Phonology in Iberia, June 27, University of Lisbon, Portugal. [.pdf]

Vigário, M., P. Oliveira, N. Paulino & M. Cruz. 2013. Onde (ainda [j])há o fenómeno? Contributo para o estudo da inserção de glide entre vogais centrais. Talk presented at XXIX Encontro Nacional da Associação Portuguesa de Linguística, October 23-25, Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal. [.pdf]



Cruz, M. 2012. Are intonational phrasing and pitch accent distribution inter-related? Evidence from European Portuguese varieties. Talk presented at TIE5 - The 5th European Conference on Tone and Intonation, September 8. University of Oxford, UK. [.pdf]

Cruz, M. & S. Frota. 2012. Correlação entre fraseamento prosódico e distribuição de acentos tonais? Evidências da variação no Português Europeu. Talk presented at XXVIII Encontro Nacional da Associação Portuguesa de Linguística, October 25, Universidade do Algarve, Portugal. [.pdf]

Cruz, M. & S. Frota. 2012. Prosodic variation in European Portuguese: issues in prosodic annotation across varieties and speech styles. Talk presented at the Workshop on Prosodic Annotation, April 13, Ohio State Univerity, USA.[.pdf]

Frota, S. & M. Cruz. 2012. The Interactive Atlas of the Prosody of Portuguese: two questions on prosodic transcription. Poster presented at the Prosodic Transcription Workshop, Satellite Event of LabPhon'13, July 30, Stuttgart, Germany. [.pdf]



Cruz, M. & S. Frota. 2011. Prosodic focus in varieties of European Portuguese across sentences types and speech styles. Poster presented at Experimental and Theoretical Advances in Prosody 2 (ETAP-2), September 23-25, McGuill University, USA. 



Cruz, M. & S. Frota. 2010. P_ToBI: main issues and application to four varieties of EP. Talk presented at Pre-workshop on Romance ToBI, December 22, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain. [.pdf]

Cruz, M. & S. Frota. 2010. Sentence types across varieties of European Portuguese: Production and Perception. Talk presented at TIE 4 - The Fourth European Conference on Tone and Intonation, September 11, Stockholm University, Sweden. [.pdf]

Cruz, M. & S. Frota. 2010. A prosódia dos tipos frásicos em variedades do PE: produção e percepão. Talk presented at XXVI Encontro Nacional da Associação Portuguesa de Linguística, October 21, University of Porto, Portugal. [.pdf]

Frota, S. 2010. How different are we? Labelling intonational variation across two Romance Languages: Catalan and Portuguese. Talk presented at 2nd Workshop sobre entonació del Català i Cat_ToBI, July 9, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain. [.pdf]



Cruz, M. & S. Frota. 2009. Aspects of prosodic variation in European Portuguese: research questions and methodologies. Talk presented at Grup d'Estudis de Prosòdia (GrEP), November 9-13,  Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain. [.pdf]