Worskhop “Linguistic encounters in Southeastern India: Tamil, Portuguese, and French
Sala B3 da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa

The workshop “Linguistic encounters in Southeastern India: Tamil, Portuguese, and French” is jointly organised by the Centro de Linguística da Universidade de Lisboa and the Centro de Estudos Indianos, and focuses on topics related to the linguistic encounters involving Tamil, Portuguese and French in the Southeast of India, the region corresponding with the modernd-day State of Tamil NAdu. This session features a talk by a speaker from CNRS (France) and a speaker from FLUL, and touches on issues related with missionary linguistics, historical linguistics, and language contact.


The event is open to the public, with no participation fee nor registration.




10h – Jean-Luc Chevillard (CNRS, UMR 7597, Histoire des Théories Linguistiques): “Standing between more than two languages: Dialectal variation in Tamil, as seen through the prism of the earlier MSS, the 1679 printed copy and the later MSS copies of Antam de Proença’s Vocabulario Tamulico com a Significaçam Portugueza”


11h – Hugo C. Cardoso (FLUL): “The impact of Portuguese on Indian French”


Linguistic encounters in Southeastern India: Tamil, Portuguese, and French