Centro de Estudos Comparatistas (CComp), Center of Linguistics of the University of Lisbon (CLUL) and and Centro de Estudos de Teatro (CET) coorganize the workshop The Arquivo.pt and the preservation of digital memory, which will take place in salaB112.B, March 7th at 2pm.
This workshop explains how Arquivo.pt preserves and makes available contents published on the Web since 1996. Examples in a research context will be referred to, such as studies that have used Web pages over time, natural language processing and works that competed for the Arquivo.pt Prize. Finally, participants will be shown how to save institutional or personal pages in a standardized format, using free tools on their own computer.
Registration is free and can be done until February 28th through the following link: https://bit.ly/arquivopt-workshop
SPEAKERS (Arquivo.pt)
Daniel Gomes initiated and leads the Arquivo.pt service at the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT-FCCN). He is a researcher in the area of web-based information systems since 2001. His main interests are digital preservation, usability and open science.
Ricardo Basílio is the digital curator of Arquivo.pt, having created thematic exhibitions that bring together thousands of preserved historical artifacts from the Web. He is responsible for the training of Arquivo.pt and organizes the "Café com o Arquivo.pt" since March 2020. He holds a Masters degree in Documentation and Information Sciences from the School of Arts and Humanities of the University of Lisbon.