- 2493 results found
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(2008). Imperatives in European Portuguese: a perception approach. In ExLing-2008 (pp. 81-84). . |
(2008). Nasometric values for European Portuguese: preliminary results. In ExLing-2008 (pp. 85-88). . |
(2008). Priming effect on word reading and recall. Proceedings Of Isca Tutorial And Research Workshop On Experimental Linguistics. Isca And University Of Athens: Greece, 89-92. . |
(2008). Atlas Linguístico-Etnográfico dos Açores. Vol.I (Vol. I). Centro de Linguística da Universidade de Lisboa / Imprensa Nacional-Casa da Moeda. . |
(2008). Atlas Linguístico-Etnográfico dos Açores I: A Criação de Gado. Lisboa: CLUL e INCM. . |
(2008). Textos seleccionados. XXIII Encontro da Associação Portuguesa de Linguística. (S. Frota & Santos, A. L., Eds.). Lisboa: APL / Edições Colibri. |
(2008). Ler a Fonologia: do Português Clássico ao Português Moderno. In Textos Seleccionados. XXIII Encontro Nacional da Associação Portuguesa de Linguística. Lisboa: APL/Colibri (pp. 193-206). XXIII Encontro Nacional da Associação Portuguesa de Linguística. Lisboa: APL/Colibri. . |
(2008). LumaLiDaOn (version 1). Lisboa: Laboratório de Fonética da FLUL. Retrieved from http://labfon.letras.ulisboa.pt/lumalidaon.htm . |
(2008). LumaLiDaAudyLexicon (versão 1). Lisboa: Laboratório de Fonética da FLUL. Retrieved from http://labfon.letras.ulisboa.pt/lumalidaaudylex.htm . |
(2008). Language Acquisition and Development. (A. Gavarró & Freitas, M. J., Eds.). Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. |
(2008). Restruturação e Anáfora do Complemento Nulo em Português Europeuin Textos Seleccionados do XXI Encontro Nacional da Associação Portuguesa de Linguística. In Textos Seleccionados do XXI Encontro Nacional da Associação Portuguesa de Linguística (Frota, S.; Santos, A.L., pp. 207-223). S. Retrieved from https://apl.pt/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/16-Goncalves_Matos.pdf . |
(2008). Languages in São Tomé and Príncipe. In Bradt travel guide for S. Tomé e Príncipe. . . |
(2008). Lungwa Santome vocabulary. In Bradt travel guide for S. Tomé e Príncipe (pp. 201-210). . . |
(2008). On the Creole Portuguese of São Tomé (West Africa). Annotated translation from the German of “Ueber das Negerportugiesische von S. Thomé (Westafrika. ). ” Sitzungsberichte der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Wien 101(2): 889-917. [1882]. Contact Languages: Critical Concepts In Linguistics, I, 131-156. . |
(2008). Double-headed negation in Santome. Journal Of Portuguese Linguistics 7, 62-83. . |
(2008). Perception and Causative Structures in English and European Portuguese: Φ-feature Agreement and the Distribution of Bare and Prepositional Infinitives. Syntax 11. . |
(2008). The argumentative structure of persuasive definitions. Ethical Theory And Moral Practice, 11. http://doi.org/10.1007/s10677-008-9119-5 . |
(2008). Nuevo estilo de editar cartas. Book Review. Cultura Escrita & Sociedad, 6, 250-251. . |
(2008). Investigating language change in a comparative setting, in Questions on Language Change. In (pp. 99-116). Almeida, B. Sieberg & A. M. Bernardo. Lisboa: Colibri/Centro de Estudos Alemães e Europeus. . |
(2008). Comparative clauses and cross linguistic variation: a syntactic approach. Empirical Issues In Syntax And Semantics. Bonamy, O; Hofherr, P. (Eds), 7, 307–329. Retrieved from http://www.cssp.cnrs.fr/eiss7/ . |
(2008). Introduction. Journal Of Portuguese Linguistics- Generative Approaches To Iberian Languages And Related Creoles, 7(2), 3-6. http://doi.org/http://doi.org/10.5334/jpl.124 . |
(2008). Journal of Portuguese Linguistics: Generative Approaches to Iberian Languages and Related Creoles. Selected Papers from the XVIII Colloquium on Generative Grammar . . |
(2008). Constructions with SE in African varieties of Portuguese. Phrasis, 2, 83-107. . |
(2008). Corpus annotation and lexical analysis of African varieties of Portuguese. In V. Lyding (Ed.), Proceedings of LULCL II - Lesser Used Languages and Computer Linguistics (V. Lyding, pp. 43-57). Bolzano: Institute for Specialised Communication and Multilingualism. . |
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