Critical edition and study of cantigas de amigo of Joam Soares Coelho

Project PI
Ângela Correia

This project aims to review the critical editions of the cantigas de amigo of Portuguese troubadour from the 13th century, Joam Soares Coelho, namely in order to study the corpus of 15 cantigas from the philological and literary point of view. This is done to establish the composition traits specific to the author, as well as the connection to the genre and its traditions, regarding who similar or distinct it is. 


Correia, Â. (2020). Inovações expressivas no cancioneiro de amigo do trovador Joam Soares Coelho. Argamed Lírica Galego-Portuguesa. Lingua, Sociolingüística E Pragmática 2, 20, 65-82.
Project PI