Start date | End date | Description |
2001 | present | Faculty member of the Department of Linguistics (Departamento de Linguística Geral e Românica ), Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa |
2016 | 2019 | P.I. of the group Grammar & Resources |
2020 | Associate Editor, Journal of Child Language |
2013 | 2019 | Associate Editor, Journal of Portuguese Linguistics |
2016 | present | Member of the scientific committee of Instituto de Cultura e Língua Portuguesa (ICLP) |
2018 | 2022 | Member of Conselho Científico-Pedagógico da Formação Contínua |
Member of the Mind-Brain College of ULisboa |
Member of the Steering Committee of Heritage Language Consortium - a strategic partnership for the study of Portuguese in multilingual settings |
Principal researcher of completed projects
Member of completed projects
Title | PI |
RECAP: Resources for Portuguese Learning | |
COPAS - Contrast and Parallelism in Speech | Ana Isabel Mata
SILC - Silent Constituents in the Grammar of Portuguese | Gabriela Matos
External projects
Title | Institution | Link |
Language abilities in children with autism (LACA) | Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) | link do projeto |
Estudos de Validação dos Inventários de Desenvolvimento Comunicativo de MacArthur-Bates para Português Europeu | Universidade do Minho | |
Sobre a interface sintaxe/morfologia na aquisição da linguagem: o caso dos pronomes e das categorias vazias na posição de sujeito e de objeto no português brasileiro e no português europeu | financiamento CNPq |
Selected publications
(2024). Living the first years in a pandemic: children’s linguistic development and related factors in and out of the COVID-19 lockdowns. Journal Of Child Language. . |
(2023). On the resilience of obligatory control in inflected infinitives under object control verbs. Glossa: A Journal Of General Linguistics, 8(1), 36. . |
(2021). Some thoughts on (the acquisition of) control. In L1 Acquisition and L2 Learning. The view from Romance. (L. Avram, A. Sevcenco & V. Tomescu (eds.), pp. 84-107). Amsterdam: John Benjamins. . |
(2021). Parental reports of preschoolers’ lexical and syntactic development: validation of the CDI-III for European Portuguese. Frontiers In Psychology, 12:677575. 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.677575 . |
(2021). Assessing intervention effects in sentence processing: object relatives vs. subject control. Frontiers In Psychology, 12. 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.610909 . |
(2019). Semantic features in the acquisition of mood in European Portuguese. Language Acquisition, 26(3). 10.1080/10489223.2019.1570203 . |
(2019). Effects of syntactic structure on the comprehension of clefts. Glossa: A Journal Of General Linguistics, 4(1): 74. . |
(2018). Comprehension of relative clauses vs. control structures in SLI and ASD children. In Proceedings of the 42nd annual Boston University Conference on Language Development (Anne B. Bertolini and Maxwell J. Kaplan, pp. 493-506). Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press. . |
(2018). Complement clauses in Portuguese: syntax and acquisition. (A. L. Santos & Gonçalves, A., Eds.). Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing. |
(2017). Age and input effects in the acquisition of mood in Heritage Portuguese. Journal Of Child Language, 44(4), 795-828. . |
(2016). Aspects of the acquisition of object control and ECM-type verbs in European Portuguese. Language Acquisition, 23(3). 10.1080/10489223.2015.1067320 . |
(2016). Syntactic structure and information structure: the acquisition of Portuguese clefts and be-fragments. Language Acquisition, 23(2). . |
(2016). Comparing heritage speakers and late L2-learners of European Portuguese: verb movement, VP ellipsis and adverb placement. Linguistic Approaches To Bilingualism, 6(3). 10.1075/lab.14006.san . |
(2014). (Pseudo-) Inflected infinitives and Control as Agree. In Selected papers from ‘Going Romance’ Leuven 2012 (pp. 161-180). K. Lahousse & S. Marzo. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. . |
(2009). Minimal Answers. Ellipsis, syntax and discourse in the acquisition of European Portuguese. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. . |
All publications
(2024). Living the first years in a pandemic: children’s linguistic development and related factors in and out of the COVID-19 lockdowns. Journal Of Child Language. . |
(2024). The acquisition of the verbal passive: The role of verb type. Language Acquisition. (Original work published 04/2024AD) . |
(2023). L3 Acquisition of Portuguese Clefts by L1-Mandarin L2-English speakers. In L3 after the Initial State (M. M. Brown-Bousfield, S. Flynn & E. Fernández-Berkes ). John benjamins. . |
(2023). On the resilience of obligatory control in inflected infinitives under object control verbs. Glossa: A Journal Of General Linguistics, 8(1), 36. . |
(2022). The problem of pseudoclefts in French. Intersection configurations and intervention in language acquisition . Isogloss, 8(5), 22. . |
(2022). Subordinação e complexidade sintática no desenvolvimento atípico – uma área central na sintaxe clínica. In Linguística Clínica: Modelos, Avaliação e Intervenção (M. J. Freitas, M. Lousada, D. Alves, pp. pp. 321-350). Berlim: Language Science Press. Retrieved from . |
(2022). Aquisição da sintaxe do português como língua materna: ponto da situação. Revista Da Associação Portuguesa De Linguística, 9, 264-279. . |
(2021). Infinitival Complement Clauses: Data from L2 Acquisition of European Portuguese. In Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory 2018: Selected papers from ‘Going Romance’ 32, Utrecht (S. Baauw, F. Drijkoningen & L. Meroni (eds.), pp. 26-48). John Benjamins. . |
(2021). Some thoughts on (the acquisition of) control. In L1 Acquisition and L2 Learning. The view from Romance. (L. Avram, A. Sevcenco & V. Tomescu (eds.), pp. 84-107). Amsterdam: John Benjamins. . |
(2021). Parental reports of preschoolers’ lexical and syntactic development: validation of the CDI-III for European Portuguese. Frontiers In Psychology, 12:677575. 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.677575 . |
(2021). Assessing intervention effects in sentence processing: object relatives vs. subject control. Frontiers In Psychology, 12. 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.610909 . |
(2020). Query Strategies, Assemble! Active Learning with Expert Advice for Low-resource Natural Language Processing. 2020 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE). IEEE. . |
(2020). Línguas de herança no contexto escolar. Contributos da investigação linguística. In Português Língua de Herança e Formação de Professores (M. L. Gonçalves & S. Melo-Pfeifer (eds.) ). Lisboa: Lidel. . |
(2019). Heritage languages at school: Implications of linguistic research on bilingualism for heritage language teaching. In Romanische Sprachen in ihrer Vielfalt. Brückenschläge zwiscchen linguistischer Theoriebildung und Fremdsprachenunterricht (Gabriel, Christoph, Jonas Grünke & Sylvia Thiele (eds.) , pp. 211-232). Stuttgart: Ibidem-Verlag. . |
(2019). Portuguese as a Heritage Language in contact with German and French: A comparative study on the acquisition of verbal mood. In Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory 15. Selected papers from ‘Going Romance’ 30, Frankfurt (Ingo Feldhausen, Martin Elsig, Imme Kuchenbrandt & Mareike Neuhaus (eds.), pp. 36-52). Amsterdam: John Benjamins. . |
(2019). A pontuação: do ensino à avaliação. Revista Da Associação Portuguesa De Linguística, 5, 75-93. . |
(2019). The development of vocabulary and grammar: A longitudinal study of European Portuguese-speaking toddlers. Journal Of Child Language, 46(4). . |
(2019). Semantic features in the acquisition of mood in European Portuguese. Language Acquisition, 26(3). 10.1080/10489223.2019.1570203 . |
(2019). Effects of syntactic structure on the comprehension of clefts. Glossa: A Journal Of General Linguistics, 4(1): 74. . |
(2019). How do children interpret novel control verbs?. In Proceedings of the 43rd annual Boston University Conference on Language Development (Megan M. Brown & Brady Dailey, pp. 585-598). Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press. . |
(2018). The acquisition of control in European Portuguese. In Complement clauses in Portuguese: Adult syntax and acquisition (pp. 261-294). John Benjamins Publishing Company. . |
(2018). Comprehension of relative clauses vs. control structures in SLI and ASD children. In Proceedings of the 42nd annual Boston University Conference on Language Development (Anne B. Bertolini and Maxwell J. Kaplan, pp. 493-506). Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press. . |
(2018). Complement clauses in Portuguese: syntax and acquisition. (A. L. Santos & Gonçalves, A., Eds.). Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing. |
(2018). Complement clauses in Portuguese: some facts and open questions. In Complement clauses in Portuguese: syntax and acquisition (Santos, A. L. and Gonçalves, A.). Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing. . |
(2018). The acquisition of infinitival complements to causative verbs in Mozambican Portuguese. In Complement clauses in Portuguese: syntax and acquisition (Santos, A. L. and Gonçalves, A.). Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing. . |
(2017). Parents’ reports of lexical and grammatical aspects of toddlers’ language in European Portuguese: developmental trends, age and gender differences. First Language, 37(3). . |
(2017). Aquisição de língua materna e não materna: Questões gerais e dados do Português. (Textbooks in Language Sciences 3). Berlim: Language Science Press. . |
(2017). MacArthur-Bates Inventários de Desenvolvimento Comunicativo – Manual Técnico. Maia: Lusoinfo Multimédia SA. . |
(2017). Primeiros passos na aquisição da sintaxe: direccionalidade movimento do verbo e flexão. In A aquisição de língua materna e não materna (M. J. and A. L. Santos). Berlim: Language Science Press. Retrieved from . |
(2017). Alguns aspetos da aquisição de orações subordinadas completivas. In A aquisição de língua materna e não materna (M. J. and A. L. Santos). Berlim: Language Science Press. Retrieved from . |
(2017). Syntactic complexity in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Specific Language Impairment. In Language Processing and Disorders (L. Escobar and V. Torrens and T. Parodi). Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. . |
(2017). Age and input effects in the acquisition of mood in Heritage Portuguese. Journal Of Child Language, 44(4), 795-828. . |
(2016). Aspects of the acquisition of object control and ECM-type verbs in European Portuguese. Language Acquisition, 23(3). 10.1080/10489223.2015.1067320 . |
(2016). Syntactic structure and information structure: the acquisition of Portuguese clefts and be-fragments. Language Acquisition, 23(2). . |
(2016). Comparing heritage speakers and late L2-learners of European Portuguese: verb movement, VP ellipsis and adverb placement. Linguistic Approaches To Bilingualism, 6(3). 10.1075/lab.14006.san . |
(2016). CEPLEXicon – A Lexicon of Child European Portuguese. In Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2016), May 23-28, Portorož, Slovenia (Calzolari, N. and K. Choukri and T. Declerck and S. Goggi and M. Grobelnik and B. Maegaard and J. Mariani and H. Mazo and A. Moreno and J. Odijk and S. Piperidis). . |
(2016). O infinitivo flexionado na gramática do adulto e na aquisição de L1. In Manual de Linguística Portuguesa (A. M. Martins & E. Carrilho, pp. 453-480). Berlin: Mouton De Gruyter. . |
(2015). CEPLEXicon – um Léxico de Aquisição do Português Europeu. In XXX Encontro da Associação Portuguesa de Linguística. Textos Seleccionados (A. Moreno, F. Silva & J. Veloso, pp. 505-511). Porto: APL. . |
(2015). Aspects of the acquisition of object control and ECM-type verbs in EP. In Language Acquisition and Development. Proceedings of GALA 2013 (C. Hamann & E. Ruigendijk, pp. 403-415). Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. . |
(2015). Periferias esquerda e direita: assimetrias. In XXX Encontro Nacional da Associação Portuguesa de Linguística. Textos Seleccionados (António Moreno, Fátima Silva & João Veloso, pp. 229-246). Braga: Edições Colibri/APL. . |
(2015). How relative are purpose relative clauses?. Probus, 27 (2). . |
(2015). Sequence of tenses in complementation structures: Lexical restrictions and effects on language acquisition. In Hispanic Linguistics at the Crossroads. Theoretical Linguistics. Language Acquisition and Language Contact (R. Klassen, J. M. Liceras & E. Valenzuela, pp. 69-88). Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. . |
(2014). A corpus of European Portuguese child and child-directed speech. In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2014) (pp. 1488-1491). Reykjavik: European Language Resources Association (ELRA). . |
(2014). New Directions in the Acquisition of Romance Languages. Selected Proceedings Of The Romance Turn V. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. Isbn. . |
(2014). Compreensão de estruturas clivadas na aquisição do português europeu. In Textos Selecionados do XXIX Encontro Nacional da APL 2013. . . |
(2014). VP-ellipsis Comprehension in European and Brazilian Portuguese. In New Directions in the Acquisition of Romance Languages. Selected Proceedings of Romance Turn V. . . |
(2014). (Pseudo-) Inflected infinitives and Control as Agree. In Selected papers from ‘Going Romance’ Leuven 2012 (pp. 161-180). K. Lahousse & S. Marzo. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. . |
(2014). Complementos de verbos percetivos. Causativos E De Controlo De Objeto Em Português Europeu: Dados Da Aquisição. In Xxix Encontro Nacional Da Apl, 2013. . |
(2013). Early or late acquisition of inflected infinitives in European Portuguese?: Evidence from spontaneous production data, in Generative Linguistics and Acquisition. In . M. Becker, J. Grinstead & J. Rothman. Philadelphia: John Benjamins. . |
(2013). How early after all?: Inflected infinitives in European and Brazilian Portuguese L1 production, in Advances in Language Acquisition. In . Stavrakaki, M. Lalioti & P. Konstatinopoulou. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. . |
(2013). Infinitivos pessoais: uma viagem transatlântica. In Para a História do Português Brasileiro – Volume III: Estudos Comparativos entre o Português Brasileiro e Língua Crioulas de Base Lexical Portuguesa (D. Moura & M. Sibaldo, Vol. III:). D. Moura & M. Sibaldo. Maceió: EDUFAL. . |
(2013). Elipse do SV e distribuição de advérbios em Português Língua de Herança e L2. In Textos selecionados do XXVIII Encontro Nacional da APL 2012. . . |
(2013). Sequências de tempos em completivas finitas: restrições semânticas e efeitos na aquisição. In Textos selecionados do XXVIII Encontro Nacional da APL 2012. . . |
(2013). Early or late acquisition of inflected infinitives in European Portuguese?: Evidence from spontaneous production data. In Generative Linguistics and Acquisition: Studies in honor of Nina M. Hyams (pp. 65-88). M. Becker, J. Grinstead & J. Rothman. Philadelphia: John Benjamins. . |
(2012). Aquisição de estruturas clivadas no português europeu: produção espontânea e induzida. In Textos Selecionados. XXVII Encontro Nacional da Associação Portuguesa de Linguística. A. Costa, C. Flores & N. Alexandre. Lisboa: APL. . |
(2012). Infinitivo flexionado, independência temporal e controlo. In Textos Selecionados. XXVII Encontro Nacional da Associação Portuguesa de Linguística (A. Costa, C. Flores & N. Alexandre (eds.) ). Lisboa: APL. . |
(2011). L1 Acquisition Of Interface Properties Across Portuguese Dialects: Modular And Interdisciplinary Interfaces As Sources Of Explanation. Lingua, 121(4). . |
(2011). Quão relativas são as relativas finais?. In Textos Seleccionados, XXVI Encontro da Associação Portuguesa de Linguística (pp. 242-255). A. Costa, I. Falé & P. Barbosa. Lisboa: APL. . |
(2011). Sobre a entoação das respostas de crianças em contextos confirmativos. In Textos Seleccionados, XXVI Encontro da Associação Portuguesa de Linguística (pp. 375-387). A. Costa, I. Falé & P. Barbosa. Lisboa: APL. . |
(2010). Perguntas confirmativas em diálogos adulto-criança: pistas entoacionais. In Textos Seleccionados. XXV Encontro Nacional da APL. Brito, Silva, Veloso & Fiéis. Porto: Associação Portuguesa de Linguística. . |
(2010). What evidence is there for early acquisition of V-to-I in European Portuguese?. In New Directions in Language Acquisition: Romance Languages in the Generative Perspective. P. Guijarro-Fuentes & L. Domínguez. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. . |
(2009). The problem of fragment answers. Iberia. An International Journal Of Theoretical Linguistics, 1.1, 115-142. . |
(2009). Minimal Answers. Ellipsis, syntax and discourse in the acquisition of European Portuguese. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. . |
(2009). Early VP ellipsis: production and comprehension evidence. In Minimalist Inquiries into Child and Adult Language Acquisition: Case Studies across Portuguese (Acrísio Pires & Jason Rothman (eds.) , pp. 155-176). Mouton de Gruyter. . |
(2008). Efeitos de modelização no input: o caso da aquisição de conectores. In Textos Seleccionados do XXIII ENAPL 2007 (S. Frota & A. L. Santos, pp. 131-142). Lisboa: Colibri. . |
(2008). Minimal Answers. Ellipsis, Syntax And Discourse In The Acquisition Of European Portuguese. Dissertation Notice. Language Acquisition, 15. . |
(2008). Textos seleccionados. XXIII Encontro da Associação Portuguesa de Linguística. (S. Frota & Santos, A. L., Eds.). Lisboa: APL / Edições Colibri. |
(2008). A natureza da elipse de VP na aquisição: resultados de compreensão. In Textos seleccionados do XXIII Encontro da Associação Portuguesa de Linguística. S. Frota e A. L. Santos. Lisboa: APL. . |
(2008). Efeitos de modelização no input: o caso da aquisição de conectores. In Textos seleccionados do XXII Encontro da Associação Portuguesa de Linguística. S. Frota e A. L. Santos. Lisboa: APL. . |
(2007). A aquisição de elipse de VP em PE e a natureza inata da condição de identificação sobre a elipse. In Textos seleccionados do XXII Encontro da APL. Coutinho & M. Lobo. Lisboa: APL / Edições Colibri. . |
(2007). A poverty-of-the-stimulus argument for the innateness of the identification condition on VP ellipsis. In Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory 2005. Selected Papers from “Going Romance” 2005. . . |
(2006). As respostas verbais e a frequência de sujeito nulo na aquisição do Português Brasileiro e do Português Europeu. Letras De Hoje 41. . |
(2006). A compreensão de só em posição pré-verbal por crianças entre os 2;9 e os 4;11. In Textos seleccionados. XXI Encontro Nacional da APL. F. Oliveira & J. Barbosa. Lisboa: APL. . |
(2004). Elementos polares na periferia direita: negação aparentemente descontínua, afirmação enfática e tags. In Tiago Freitas & Amália Mendes (orgs.), Actas do XIX encontro nacional da Associação Portuguesa de Linguística, 465-476. Lisboa: APL. . |
(2003). The Acquisition of answers to yes-no questions in European Portuguese: syntactic, discourse and pragmatic factors. Journal Of Portuguese Linguistics 2. . |
(2003). A falar como os bebés. O desenvolvimento linguístico das crianças (O desenvolvimento linguístico das crianças. Lisboa). Lisboa: Caminho. . |
(2001). Contar (histórias de) sílabas. Descrição e implicações para o ensino do português como língua materna. Cadernos de Língua Portuguesa (Colibri, Vol. 2). APP / Colibri. . |