Base de dados

Acquisition of European Portuguese Databank

Instituição financiadora
CLUL - Centro de Linguística da Universidade de Lisboa

The Acquisition of European Portuguese Databank started in 1992, at the Psycholinguistics Laboratory, Faculty of Letters, University of Lisbon, in the context of the PhD project submitted by M. João Freitas to this institution (Freitas, 1997). From 1992 to 2010, the databank was managed by M. João Freitas and Isabel Hub Faria.

The Databank contains primary data on video and audio formats from monolingual Portuguese children and Portuguese/French bilingual children:

Acquisition of European Portuguese Databank - AcEP

Children’s profile


N of children



Monolingual Portuguese children


(longitudinal spontaneous data)



(cross-sectional experimental data)



(longitudinal experimental data)


Portuguese/French bilingual children


(longitudinal spontaneous data )



Different researchers were responsible for the data collection. Each data collection author is responsible for the subset of data recorded. A total of 9 subsets are available at the moment.

(1) Subset 1

Author: M. João Freitas (with the assistance of Anabela Gonçalves, in the case of Raquel, and M. João Horta, in the case of João)

Type of data: longitudinal spontaneous production data from 8 typically developing monolingual Portuguese children monthly recorded at home.

Table 1 – Subset 1

Children Age at the beginning of data collection Age by the end of data collection N of sessions
João 0;10.2 2;8.28 23
Inês 0;11.14 2;8.28 30
Marta 1;2.0 2;2.17 12
Luís 1;9.29 2;11.2 12
Raquel 1;10.2 2;10.8 10
Laura 2;2.30 3;3.10 12
Pedro 2;7.0 3;7.24 12
Joana 0;11.24 4;10.7 33


(2) Subset 2

Author: Ana Lúcia Santos

Type of data: longitudinal spontaneous production data from 4 typically developing monolingual Portuguese children recorded every two weeks

Table 2 – Subset 2

Children Age at the beginning of data collection Age by the end of data collection N of sessions Dates at beginning and end of data collection
TOM 1;06.18 3;10.16 53




INM 1;00.24 3;9.00 46




ZEP 00;11.22 3;11.18 61




GON 1;04.16 4;04.10 55





(3) Subset 3

Author: Susana Correia

Type of data: longitudinal spontaneous production data from 3 typically developing monolingual Portuguese children recorded every two weeks (João L and Luma) and monthly (João G) at home.


Table 3 – Subset 3

Children Age at the beginning of data collection Age by the end of data collection N of sessions
João L 1;0.1 2;10.19 37
Luma 0;7.19 3;11.9 59
Luma 0;11.1 1;10.15 12


(4) Subset 4


Authors: Teresa Costa and Susana Correia

Type of data: longitudinal spontaneous production data from 1 typically developing monolingual Portuguese child recorded monthly at home.


Table 4 – Subset 4

Children Age at the beginning of data collection Age by the end of data collection N of sessions
Clara 0;11.1 1;10.15 12


(5) Subset 5

Author: Letícia Almeida

Type of data: longitudinal spontaneous production data from 5 typically developing Portuguese/French bilingual children recorded every two weeks at home, under the one-language / one session procedure.


Table 5 – Subset 5

Children Age at the beginning of data collection Age by the end of data collection N of sessions
Bárbara 1;0 3;10 110
Lucas 2;6 3;7 40
Tomás 0;10 3;7 80
Noé 1;1 2;8 54
João C. 0;11 2;11 40


(6) Subset 6

Author: Sónia Vieira

Type of data: cross-sectional experimental production data from 802 typically developing monolingual Portuguese children performing tasks from the STSD-PT (the Schlichting Test for Sentence Development – Portuguese version) in 42 kindergartens of the 18 Portuguese districts (722 were audiotaped).


Table 6 – Age groups in Subset 6

Age groups
3;0 - 3;5
3;6 – 3;11
4;0 – 4;5
4;6 – 4;1
5;0 – 5;5
5;6 – 5;11


Table 7 – Distribution of audiotaped children per district in Subset 5

Districts N of children
Viana do Castelo 21
Braga 40
Porto 115
Vila Real 55
Bragança 19
Aveiro 23
Viseu 34
Guarda 30
Coimbra 15
Leiria 23
Castelo Branco 35
Santarém 22
Lisboa 117
Portalegre 23
Évora 22
Setúbal 73
Beja 7
Faro 50
Total 722




(7) Subset 7

Author: Ana Margarida Ramalho

Type of data: cross-sectional experimental production data from 90 typically developing monolingual Portuguese children performing tasks from the CLCP-PE (version 1.1, IGAC 4469) – Avaliação Fonológica da Criança, by Ramalho A. M., L. Almeida & M. J. Freitas (2013) (this instrument for phonological assessment was developed within the Cross-linguistic Child Phonology Project, University of British Columbia, coordinated by May Bernhartd & Joe Stemberger. Children with atypical phonological development are being currently audiotaped under the same experimental setting (Ramalho, in prep.).


Table 7 – Age groups in Subset 7

Age groups
3;0 – 4;0
4;0 – 5;0
5;0 – 6;5


(8) Subset 8

Author: Rita Santos

Type of data: cross-sectional experimental production data from 56 typically developing monolingual Portuguese children audiotaped under the picture naming experimental setting used Santos (2014).


Table 8 – Age groups in Subset 8

Age groups
1st graders: 6;7 – 7;7 (n=27)
4th graders: 9;3 – 10;7 (n=29)


(9) Subset 9

Author: Ana Catarina Baptista

Type of data: longitudinal experimental production data from 9 monolingual Portuguese children audiotaped under the picture naming experimental setting used in Baptista in prep (instrument: FRICLIQ, for phonological assessment). Three groups were considered: (i) 1 control group; (ii) 1 experimental group of children with episodes of otitis media with effusion before the age of 1;0; (iii) 1 experimental group of children with episodes of otitis media with effusion after the age of 3;0 (Baptista in prep).


Table 9 – Age groups in Subset 9

Age groups
Control group: 4;6 – 5;8 (n=3)
Experimental Groups: 4;7 – 5;11 (n=6)



Some of the subsets of the databank were financially supported by the following grants awarded by the National Science Foundation (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia - FCT):

FCT - PCSH/LIN/524/93

PRODEP - nº 3/94

FCT – PTDC/LIN/68024/2006

FCT – SFRH/BD/21696/2005

FCT – SFRH/BD/28444/2006

FCT – SFRH/BD/27576/2006

FCT – SFRH/BD/27733/2006


The request to access the recordings must be addressed to the coordination of the databank (M. João Freitas –; A. L. Santos – The availability of the recordings depends on the judgement of the author(s) of the data required. Users will fill a form setting the conditions according to which the recordings will be used. No public edition of the video recordings is allowed.




Some corpora built from recordings stored in the AcEP are now available:

Freitas - European Portuguese,The PhonBank Project - CHILDES, Brian MacWhinney & Yvan Rose


Correia, Costa & Freitas - European PortugueseThe PhonBank Project - CHILDES, Brian MacWhinney & Yvan Rose


Almeida – European Portuguese / FrenchThe PhonBank Project - CHILDES, Brian MacWhinney & Yvan Rose

FREITAS, M.J., TANGANHO, A., M. ROCHA & P. OLIVEIRA (2012). Child-Adult Interaction: A Database on European Portuguese, CLUL, Anagrama, version 1.0. 


FREITAS, M.J., TANGANHO, A., M. ROCHA & P. OLIVEIRA (2013). Child-Adult Interaction: A Database on European Portuguese, CLUL, Anagrama, version 2.0. 



The databank has been used in the following MA and PhD dissertations:

FREITAS, M. J. (1997). Aquisição da Estrutura Silábica do Português Europeu. PhD dissertation, University of Lisbon. Database originally in CHILPHON format (Max Plank Institut for Linguistics, Nijmegen) and currently in PHON format, The PhonBank Project – CHILDES, Brian MacWhinney & Yvan Rose (European Portuguese – Freitas).

CHILDREN FROM THE AcEP: João, Inês, Marta, Luís, Raquel, Laura, Pedro

SOARES, C. (1998). As Categorias Funcionais no Processo de Aquisição do Português Europeu (estudo longitudinal da produção espontânea de uma criança de 1;02 aos 2;2.17 anos). MA dissertation, Faculty of Letters, University of Lisbon. Database in CHILDES format, B. MacWhinney.


COSTA, T. (2003). A aquisição do Ponto e do Modo de Articulação dos Segmentos Obstruintes no Português Europeu: um Estudo de Caso. MA dissertation, Faculty of Letters, University of Lisbon. Database in PHON format, Yvan Rose.


GONÇALVES, F. (2004). Riqueza Morfológica e Aquisição da Sintaxe em Português Europeu e Brasileiro. PhD dissertation, University of Évora. Database in CHILDES format, B. MacWhinney.


ALMEIDA, L. (2006). L’Acquisition des Codas non Finales par un Enfant Bilingue en Portugais et Français. MA dissertation, Faculty of Letters, University of Lisbon. Database in PHON format, The PhonBank Project – CHILDES, Brian MacWhinney & Yvan Rose.


SANTOS, A. L. (2006). Minimal Answers. Ellipsis, Syntax and Discourse in the Acquisition of European Portuguese. PhD dissertation, University of Lisbon. Database in CHILDES format, B. MacWhinney. 


SOARES, C. (2006). La Syntaxe de la Périphérie Gauche en Portugais Européen et son Acquisition. PhD dissertation, Université de Paris 8. Database in CHILDES format, B. MacWhinney.


CORREIA, S. (2009). The Acquisition of Primary Word Stress in European Portuguese. PhD dissertation, University of Lisbon. Database European Portuguese – CorreiaCosta, The PhonBank Project – CHILDES, Brian MacWhinney & Yvan Rose.

CHILDREN FROM THE AcEP: Inês, Joana, Clara, Luma, João L

COSTA, T. (2010). The Acquisition of the Consonantal System in European Portuguese: Focus on Place and Manner Features. PhD dissertation, University of Lisbon. Database European Portuguese – CorreiaCosta, The PhonBank Project – CHILDES, Brian MacWhinney & Yvan Rose.

CHILDREN FROM THE AcEP: Inês, Joana, Clara, Luma, João L

ALMEIDA, L. (2011). Acquisition de la Structure Syllabique en contexte de Bilinguisme Simultané Portugais-Français.PhD dissertation, University of Lisbon. Database Portuguese / French – Almeida, The PhonBank Project – CHILDES, Brian MacWhinney & Yvan Rose.


VIEIRA, S. (2011). A Test for Sentence Development in European Portuguese (STSD - PT). PhD dissertation, University of Lisbon.

CHILDREN FROM THE AcEP: 852 children; data in subset 5

KICKHÖFEL, Juliana Radatz (2011). Processos de sândi vocálico externo na aquisição fonológica. PhD Dissertation. Pelotas: Universidade Católica de Pelotas, Brazil.


ESTRELA, Antónia Pimentel (2013) A Aquisição da Estrutura Passiva em português Europeu. PhD dissertation, Universidade Nova de Lisboa.

CHILDREN FROM THE AcEP: Inês, TOM, INM (corpus Santos- European Portuguese)

SANTOS, Rita (2014) Aquisição de grupos consonânticos e seu impacto nos desempenhos escritos no 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico 

CHILDREN FROM THE AcEP: 56 children; data in subset 8.

RAMALHO, Ana Margarida (in prep) Aquisição fonológica na criança: tradução e adaptação de um instrumento de avaliação interlinguístico para o Português Europeu (CLCP-PE) 

CHILDREN FROM THE AcEP: 90 children; data in subset 7.

BAPTISTA, Ana Catarina (in prep) O Desenvolvimento Fonológico de Crianças com Otites Médias Serosas. 

CHILDREN FROM THE AcEP: 9 children; data in subset 9.


The databank has been used as source for other databases: 

CEPLEXicon - A Lexicon of Child European Portuguese (Ana Lúcia Santos, Maria João Freitas & Aida Cardoso)

Children from the AcEP: TOM, INM, Inês, Laura, Marta, Pedro, Raquel)

CDS_EP - A lexicon of Child Directed Speech for European Portuguese from the FrePoP database (Child-directed speech in the files of TOM and INM – corpus: Santos – European Portuguese)

Children from the AcEP: TOM, INM)


CLUL - Centro de Linguística da Universidade de Lisboa