Terminological Dictionary of Textual Studies in Portuguese

Project PI
Cristina Sobral


Although there is a long and fruitful tradition in Portugal and Brazil in the making of scholarly editions, textual criticism still tends to be viewed in both countries as a practical field of knowledge. Such a view has been also fed by the absence of a technical vocabulary shared by textual scholars in Portuguese speaking countries. This project, developed by CLUL (Lisbon, Portugal) and FFLCH (S. Paulo, Brazil), aims at filling this conspicuous blank by building the first terminological dictionary of Textual Studies in Portuguese. It will be strictly based on Portuguese and Brazilian reference bibliography: handbooks, reviews, glossaries and editions deemed relevant by the community of textual scholars. 

Project PI
Past members
Investigadores Bolseiros:

Bruno Ministro (Setembro 2013 - Fevereiro 2014)

Marta Cruz (Setembro 2014- Dezembro 2015)