Grammar & Resources
The group is centered on modeling linguistic knowledge, integrating interfaces between different areas of grammar and knowledge about how language is put to use. Joint work in formal phonology, lexicon, syntax and semantics allows building an integrated model of grammar, considering how it is represented in the human mind, as well as how it can be computationally modelled; work on L1 and L2 acquisition is at the core of this work. The integration of models of language representation and models of language use is achieved through the study of corpora.
The production of corpora and resources is justified by the goal of developing documentation and providing descriptions of contemporary European Portuguese, but also of understudied contact languages or varieties (Portuguese-based creoles, national varieties of Portuguese in Africa and Asia). The group also produces resources for the study of L1 and L2 acquisition in different settings. The group integrates CLARIN LP.
Research on L1 and L2 acquisition contributes to CLUL’s general purpose of effectively articulating fundamental and applied research, namely in the areas of Educational Linguistics and Clinical Linguistics.
General goals:
- To produce new resources for the study of Portuguese and Portuguese-based creoles;
- To pursue basic research on natural language modeling, integrating knowledge on interfaces between language modules;
- To continue the documentation and description of understudied creoles and new varieties of Portuguese that emerged in a context of language contact;
- To develop the study of language acquisition with an emphasis on language contact situations (see new international Heritage Language Consortium) and on the comparison between typical and atypical development;
- To explore the potential of comparative linguistics in the production of resources for translation and to promote connections with the industry in the area of translation.
Integrated members with PhD
Integrated members without PhD
Project | Date | Fin. |
ParlaMint II - ParlaMint II | - | |
PALMA - Possession and Location: Microvariation in African Varieties of Portuguese (PALMA) | - | FCT
RECAP - RECAP: Resources for Portuguese Learning | - | FCG
Documentation of Sri Lanka Portuguese | - | |
LeCIEPLE - LeCIEPLE - Learner Corpus: da investigação ao ensino de Português Língua Estrangeira/Língua Segunda | - | FCG
Portuguese-based creoles of the Dravidian space: Diachrony and synchrony | - | |
TAXE - TAXE - Parataxis, Hypotaxis and Interface Syntax-Discourse | - | |
COPAS - COPAS - Contrast and Parallelism in Speech | - | |
CLAP - CLAP - Complement clauses in the Acquisition of Portuguese | FCT
SemiAutLex.PT - SemiAutLex.PT - Semi-automatic construction of relational lexica for Portuguese | - | FCT
SynExtract - SynExtract - automatic extraction of synonymy relations for a cost-effective acquisition of language resources | - | FCT
(2016). Vocalismo acentuado do Noroeste português - descrição acústica, variação dialectal e representação fonológica. Revue Romane, 51, n. 1, 1-35. . |
(2015). Evidências de regularização acentual no Litoral Alentejano. Revista Da Abralin, 14, n.1, 463-479. Retrieved from (Original work published Jan/Jun 2015) . |
(2015). EFFE-On - Corpus online de escrita e fala. Revista Saber & Educar, 20, 24-33. . |
(2020). Chinese Teachers’ Attitudes Towards Translanguaging and Its Uses in Portuguese Foreign Language Classrooms. Theory And Practice Of Second Language Acquisition, 6 (1), 11-30. . |
(2018). Corref-PT: A Semi-Automatic Annotated Portuguese Coreference Corpus. Computación Y Sistemas, 22(4). . |
(2019). Produção de vogais orais tónicas do PLE por falantes nativos de chinês mandarim. Orientes Do Português, 1, 47-58. Retrieved from . |
(2018). What does the pronunciation of plosives and fricatives by Chinese learners of Portuguese teach us?. Portuguese Language Journal, 12. Retrieved from . |
(2018). Songs for pronunciation teaching: a guiding model. Journal Of Innovation In Psychology, Education And Didactics, 22(1). Retrieved from . |
(2017). Ensino da componente fonético-fonológica: uma síntese e um exemplo de português para estrangeiros. Linguística: Revista De Estudos Linguísticos Da Universidade Do Porto, 12. Retrieved from . |
(2020). O ensino de línguas baseado em tarefas no ensino/aprendizagem da escrita em português língua segunda – propostas didáticas. Revista Do Gel, 17 (2), 170-195. . |
(2020). Nasalização regressiva heterossilábica (NRH) da vogal /a/ acentuada em PE. Revista Da Associação Portuguesa De Linguística, (7), 295-317. . |
(2020). Perguntas-respostas em textos escritos: uma análise no âmbito das relações discursivas. Revista Da Associação Portuguesa De Linguística, 7, 226-241. . |
(2020). Automatização no diagnóstico de nível de língua: anotação e versatilidade dos recursos para PLE. Revista Da Associação Portuguesa De Linguística, 7, 1-20. . |
(2019). Phonological development in Portuguese deaf children with cochlear implants: preliminary study. Logopedia, Foniatría Y Audiología, 39, 115-128. Retrieved from . |
(2018). Word-initial rhotic clusters in typically developing children: European Portuguese. Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics, 32 (5-6), 459-480. . |
(2019). Comment Reduced Parenthetical Clauses and the syntax-discourse interface. Revista Letras, Issn 0100-0888 (Versão Impressa) E 2236-0999 (Versão Eletrônica), vol. 99, 33-57. . |
(2020). Estruturas paratáticas de que-conetivo em frases não-argumentais. Revista Da Associação Portuguesa De Linguística, vol. 7, 209-225. (Original work published 2020) . |
(2016). A natureza paratática das causais explicativas em português. Revista Da Associação Portuguesa De Linguística, 1, 233-259. 2183-9077/rapla11 (Original work published 2016) . |
(2021). Assessing intervention effects in sentence processing: object relatives vs. subject control. Frontiers In Psychology, 12. 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.610909 . |
(2021). Parental reports of preschoolers’ lexical and syntactic development: validation of the CDI-III for European Portuguese. Frontiers In Psychology, 12:677575. 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.677575 . |
(2021). Sobre o impacto da constituência silábica na repetição de pseudopalavras: dados preliminares do desenvolvimento típico para a validação do LITMUS-QU-NWR-EP. Revista Da Associação Portuguesa De Linguística, (8), 87-104. . |
(2019). What do monolingual and bilingual children with and without SLI produce when phonology is too complex?. First Language, 39(2), 158-176. . |
(2021). Alguns adjuntos temporais com especial relevância para a tradução inglês-português: o caso de 'since' - 'desde' e expressões afins. Revista Da Associação Portuguesa De Linguística, 8, 168-185. . pdf838.02 KB
(2021). Consoantes (não) soantes em final de palavra: dados da escrita de crianças portuguesas . Linguagem & Ensino, 24, Nº 4, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Letras da Universidade Federal de Pelotas, Brasil, 843-867. . |
(2021). Infraestrutura de Investigação para a Ciência e Tecnologia da Linguagem PORTULAN CLARIN. Revista Da Associação Portuguesa De Linguística, 8, 54-70. . |
(2022). Norma e variação em orações relativas complexas do português europeu. Phin. Philologie Im Netz, Beiheft 28 (David Paul Gerards, Albert Wall & Benjamin Meisnitzer, eds./Hg., Micro-Variation meets Complex Systems Theory – seven case studies on Portuguese), 159-181. . pdf336.25 KB
(2019). A coesão referencial em textos traduzidos do inglês para o português: a questão dos sujeitos nulos. Revista Da Associação Portuguesa De Linguística, 5, 21. . |
(2022). Dative Microvariation in African Varieties of Portuguese. Journal Of Portuguese Linguistics. . |
(2022). Goal arguments of ir ‘to go’ and chegar ‘to arrive’ in three African varieties of Portuguese. Journal Of Portuguese Linguistics, 4(1). . |
(2021). The genes of freedom: Genome-wide insignts into marronage, admixture and ethnogenesis in the Gulf of Guinea. Genes, 12(833). . |