Grammar & Resources

The group is centered on modeling linguistic knowledge, integrating interfaces between different areas of grammar and knowledge about how language is put to use. Joint work in formal phonology, lexicon, syntax and semantics allows building an integrated model of grammar, considering how it is represented in the human mind, as well as how it can be computationally modelled; work on L1 and L2 acquisition is at the core of this work. The integration of models of language representation and models of language use is achieved through the study of corpora.

The production of corpora and resources is justified by the goal of developing documentation and providing descriptions of contemporary European Portuguese, but also of understudied contact languages or varieties (Portuguese-based creoles, national varieties of Portuguese in Africa and Asia). The group also produces resources for the study of L1 and L2 acquisition in different settings. The group integrates CLARIN LP.

Research on L1 and L2 acquisition contributes to CLUL’s general purpose of effectively articulating fundamental and applied research, namely in the areas of Educational Linguistics and Clinical Linguistics.

General goals:

- To produce new resources for the study of Portuguese and Portuguese-based creoles;

- To pursue basic research on natural language modeling, integrating knowledge on interfaces between language modules;

- To continue the documentation and description of understudied creoles and new varieties of Portuguese that emerged in a context of language contact;

- To develop the study of language acquisition with an emphasis on language contact situations (see new international Heritage Language Consortium) and on the comparison between typical and atypical development;

- To explore the potential of comparative linguistics in the production of resources for translation and to promote connections with the industry in the area of translation.


Resources Type
A Lexicon of Child European Portuguese - CEPLEXicon Lexicon
A Portuguese Native Language Identification Dataset - NLI-PT Database
Acquisition of European Portuguese Databank - AcEP Database
Child-Adult Interaction Corpus - CAI Corpus
Child-Adult interaction European Portuguese Database
Consonantic Sequences Oral and Written Production Tasks - PORESC Tool
Controlled Portuguese - CLG Database
Corpora of PLE Corpus
Corpus Almeida - European Portuguese / French Corpus
Corpus Angolar Corpus
Corpus C-ORAL-ROM Corpus
Corpus CCF Corpus
Corpus CINTIL Corpus
Corpus Fadambo Corpus
Corpus Leiria (1991) Corpus
Corpus of Cape Verdean Portuguese Corpus
Corpus of Sri Lanka Portuguese Corpus
Corpus of the Diaries of the Portuguese Parliament annotated with PoS - PTPARL Corpus
Corpus PESTRA Corpus
Corpus Português Fundamental - Corpus PF Corpus
Corpus Principense Corpus
Corpus REDIP Corpus
Corpus Santome Corpus
Corpus SANTOS - European Portuguese Corpus
Crosslinguistic Child Phonology Project - Português Europeu - CLCP-PE Tool
Dados Orais de Cabo Verde - CV Words Database
Demo de Subespecificação e Desambiguação de Escopo Tool
Dictionary of Hindi-Portuguese-Hindi Database
Diu Indo-Portuguese Data Set Database
Learner Corpus of Portuguese L2 - COPLE2 Corpus
LT Corpus (Literary Corpus) - LT Corpus Corpus
Modality Lexicon - MODAL-LEX-PT Lexicon
Multifunctional Computational Lexicon of Contemporary Portuguese Lexicon
Named Entity Recognizer - CRPC-NER Tool
Nominal Multiword Lexical Units in European Portuguese Lexicon
NPChunks: Corpus of 1000 sentences annotated with PoS and nominal chunks - NPChunks Corpus
Online Corpus of Writing and Speech of Children in the Early Years of Schooling - EFFE-On Corpus
Online Dictionary Portuguese-Slovak/Slovak-Portuguese Database
Pereira&Freitas - EP Corpus
Person-Machine Interaction in Natural Language - INQUER Database
PhonoDis Corpus
Phonological Awareness Tasks for First Grade School Children - TCFC Tool
Portuguese Biographies - Bio-PT Database
Portuguese Corpus Annotated for Modality - MODAL Corpus
Portuguese Lexicon of Discourse Markers - LDM-PT Lexicon
Portuguese Technical Lexica - LEXTEC Lexicon
Portuguese Discourse Bank - CRPC-DB Corpus
Quotations database - CRPC-quotations Database
Ramalho – EP Corpus
Reference Corpus of Contemporary Portuguese - CRPC Corpus
Santome Structure Dataset Database
Spoken Corpus Mozambique 1986-87 - SCM Corpus
Spoken Portuguese - Geographical and Social Varieties Corpus
Vocatives in European Portuguese Corpus
Word Combination in European Portuguese - LEX-MWE-PT Lexicon
WordNet.PT Lexicon
Journal Paper
Martins, F., Simões, D., Brissos, F., & Rodrigues, C. (2014). A Fonética Forense na produção de prova no ordenamento jurídico português. Revista Virtual De Estudos Da Linguagem - Revel 12, 23, edição temática de Linguística Forense(70).
Rodrigues, C. (2012). Todas as Codas são frágeis em Português Europeu?. Linguística 8.
Pinto, J. (2013). Cross-linguistic influence at lexical level. A Study With Moroccan Learners Of Portuguese As An L3/Ln. Revista Nebrija De Lingüística Aplicada, 13.
Pinto, J., & Silva, L. (2006). Formação contínua de professores de Língua Portuguesa - o caso de Cabo Verde. Contacto - Revista Da Universidade Jean Piaget De Cabo Verde, 1, 167-176.
Truppi, C. (2013). Review of The Syntax and Semantics of a Determiner System. A Case Study Of Mauritian Creoleby Diana Guillemin, Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 3, 293-298.
Móia, T. (2006). Portuguese Expressions of Duration and their English Counterparts. Journal Of Portuguese Linguistics, 5.1, 37-73.
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Oliveira, F., Cunha, L. F., & Gonçalves, A. (2004). Aspectual verbs in European and Brazilian Portuguese. Journal Of Portuguese Linguistics 3.
Gonçalves, A. (2002). The causee in the faire-Inf construction of Portuguese. Journal Of Portuguese Linguistics 1.
Costa, J., & Gonçalves, A. (1999). Minimal projections: Evidence from defective constructions in European Portuguese. Catalan Working Papers In Linguistics, 7, 59-69.
Gonçalves, A. (2006). Book review: Pires. A. (2006). The Minimalist Syntax Of Defective Domains. Gerunds And Infinitives. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. Journal Of Portuguese Linguistics, 6.
Gonçalves, A. (1995). Book review: Mollica. M. C. (1995). (De) Que Falamos? Rio De Janeiro: Tempo Brasileiro. Revista Internacional Da Língua Portuguesa, 17, 172-173.
Gonçalves, A. (1992). Book review: Ambar. M. (1992). Para Uma Sintaxe Da Inversão Sujeito-Verbo Em Português. Lisboa: Colibri. Revista Internacional Da Língua Portuguesa, 7, 134.
Alexandre, N. (2018). Book review of Nicolas Quint 2015, Cape Verdean: Language and Culture (English and Creole Edition). Battlebridge Publications. Journal Of Pidgin And Creole Linguistics, 31.
Gonçalves, A. (2018). Review of Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory 12. Selected Papers From The 45Th Linguistic Symposium On Romance Languages (Lsrl), Campinas, Brazil. John Benjamins Publishing Company. Journal Of Portuguese Linguistics, 17.
Pinto, J. (2015). O papel da L1 e da L2 na aquisição lexical de português L3. Revistaliletrad, 1, 299-310.
Mendes, A., Hendrickx, I., Ávila, L., Quaresma, P., Gonçalves, T., & Sequeira, J. (2016). Modality Annotation for Portuguese: from manual annotation to automatic labeling. Lilt - Language Issues Language Technology, 14:5, Special volume on Modality: Modes of Modality in NLP.
Alexandre, N. (2017). Book review of Jürgen LANG (ed.). A Variação Geográfica do Crioulo Caboverdiano. Revista De Crioulos De Base Lexical Portuguesa E Espanhola (Rcblpe), 7, 34-39. Retrieved from
Hagemeijer, T., & Rocha, J. (2019). Creole languages and genes: The case of São Tomé and Príncipe. Faits De Langues, 49, 167-182.
Pinto, J. (2017). Focus on form approach learning and teaching Portuguese as na L2: a study Cape Verde. Cauce. Revista Internacional De Filología, Comunicación Y Sus Didácticas, 40, 45-51.
Duarte, I., Colaço, M., Gonçalves, A., Mendes, A., & Miguel, M. (2009). Lexical and syntactic properties of complex predicates of the type "light verb+deverbal noun". Arena Romanistica, 4, 48-57.
Mendes, A., & Estrela, A. (2008). Constructions with SE in African varieties of Portuguese. Phrasis, 2, 83-107.
Mendes, A. (1999). Analyse aspectuelle et structure lexico-conceptuelle des verbes psychologiques . Verbum, XXI (1), 25-36.
Duarte, I., Santos, A. L., & Alexandre, N. (2015). How relative are purpose relative clauses?. Probus, 27 (2).
Hagemeijer, T., & Alexandre, N. (2012). Os crioulos da Alta Guiné e do Golfo da Guiné: uma comparação sintáctica. Papia, 22, 233-251.
Alexandre, N. (2008). Recensão de Nicolas QUINT. 2008. L élément africain dans la langue capverdienne // Africanismos na língua caboverdiana. Journal Of Language Contact – Varia3, 169-173.
Alexandre, N. (2006). Estruturas em movimento: alguns tópicos sobre construções-Q e de clivagem. Letras De Hoje, Porto Alegre, Mar., 41, 99-119.
Colaço, M., & Cardeira, E. (2013). Menço ou minto? Regularização de paradigmas verbais. Diacrítica, Série Ciências Da Linguagem, 27. Retrieved from\_27-1.pdf"
Miguel, M., & Mendes, A. (2013). Syntactic and semantic issues in sequences of the type (Adjective) -Noun-(Adjective). Journal Of Portuguese Linguistics, Patterns Of Verbal And Nominal Agreement In Portuguese Varieties, Special Issue, 12, 151-156.
Mendes, A., & Bacelar do Nascimento, M. F. (2004). As concordâncias - um instrumento para a aprendizagem da língua portuguesa a partir de dados de um corpus. Idiomático, Revista Digital De Didáctica De Plnm, 1.
Alexandre, N. (2012). O acordo ortográfico: o que muda. Politecnia, 26, 58-61.